
Friday 21 September 2012


Mogra Star academy during an education demosntration

More than 900 students from Mogra star academy marched on a quest for justice in free education.

The raged students were  surrounded by 60 unpaid  teachers  who further demanded for teachers payment. 

Chief Paul Chandoroek and Hannah wairimu

Accomapnied with a number of parents they went on a 2 kilometer demonstration to the Districts officer of Roysambu division in Kasarani constituency.

However, it nearly turned trajic when an Administration Police pushed the children away from the DOs boundaries and causing a stampede.

Mogra Academy which is located in Mathare area North had to be calmed down by concerned residents fearing attacks from the  AP's. The students ranging between baby class to secondary school expressed bitterness singing "haki yetu" (our  rights).

A teary Hannah Wairimu at a press interview
Area Chief of Ruaraka location, Paul Chandoreok resisted to be interviewed when the demonstration asked for his response. Efforts for media to interview him were futile when he sneaked away through the DO’s camp on Friday.

Founder and School Director Hannah Wairimu claimed the government had neglected efforts to supply the children rights to free education. "All the school requires  is basic stationery and teachers to be paid since the children reside from surrounding slums. " she told the press in tears.

However, an official who requested anonimity from the DO's office claimed that the children though destitutes and poor their case was not a priority since they were not brought in by city council.

Spot where APs pushed students into a stampede
But school director Wairimu claims her organisation has been kind enough to faciliate the children with accomodation and food on a daily basis since 1998. "Isnt it the mandate of the goverment to educate the homeless and pay teachers especially for slum children?" she confronted the chief before he took off.

Additional issues raised were matters of child labour, citing that the same children work partime to pay thier educational expenses since the goveremnt cannot support their rights.

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