
Tuesday 30 July 2013


 Click this Link to Watch Video : MITUMBA TRAILER COMING TO KENYA

Its going to be Kenya' s first stage and multimedia presentation of clothes in our Nairobi market.

For three days in October, an artistic performance will be illuminated by international dancers, singers,directors and instrumentalists.

'Mitumba' is a Swahili word meaning -secondhand clothes. The event intends to showcase the massive culture of 'Mitumba"- Being a second hand enterprise in Africa.

According to Kefa Oiro ,Artistic Director of Mitumba Project: " What is given whole heartedly to benefit Africans in Europe and America is hardly thought of as a business venture. Its a shocker for those who donate these items to realise that people profit from dues on various transit levels." he explains.

However, strong implications in African economies constantly realise that inflation peddles upon a non-producing and low-exporting country. The rising demand for 'Mitumba' has turned Kenya among other East African Countries into Second hand economies.

Consequently, local designers, tailors and textile industries have failed to reach their niche market to maximum. The greatest concern leads to a transparent lack of culture and identity in fashion or creativity.

The event first began its tour in Germany and seeks to make Kenya, its first African destination with a lead to Tanzania thereafter.

To participate in the event, watch  trailer link and media for more.

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