
Friday 21 September 2012


Mogra Star academy during an education demosntration

More than 900 students from Mogra star academy marched on a quest for justice in free education.

The raged students were  surrounded by 60 unpaid  teachers  who further demanded for teachers payment. 

Chief Paul Chandoroek and Hannah wairimu

Accomapnied with a number of parents they went on a 2 kilometer demonstration to the Districts officer of Roysambu division in Kasarani constituency.

However, it nearly turned trajic when an Administration Police pushed the children away from the DOs boundaries and causing a stampede.

Mogra Academy which is located in Mathare area North had to be calmed down by concerned residents fearing attacks from the  AP's. The students ranging between baby class to secondary school expressed bitterness singing "haki yetu" (our  rights).

A teary Hannah Wairimu at a press interview
Area Chief of Ruaraka location, Paul Chandoreok resisted to be interviewed when the demonstration asked for his response. Efforts for media to interview him were futile when he sneaked away through the DO’s camp on Friday.

Founder and School Director Hannah Wairimu claimed the government had neglected efforts to supply the children rights to free education. "All the school requires  is basic stationery and teachers to be paid since the children reside from surrounding slums. " she told the press in tears.

However, an official who requested anonimity from the DO's office claimed that the children though destitutes and poor their case was not a priority since they were not brought in by city council.

Spot where APs pushed students into a stampede
But school director Wairimu claims her organisation has been kind enough to faciliate the children with accomodation and food on a daily basis since 1998. "Isnt it the mandate of the goverment to educate the homeless and pay teachers especially for slum children?" she confronted the chief before he took off.

Additional issues raised were matters of child labour, citing that the same children work partime to pay thier educational expenses since the goveremnt cannot support their rights.

Thursday 20 September 2012


An 80 year old woman was charged alongside two other women for conning a businessman sh 500,000 in the name of selling land within Nairobi.

The three female suspects were charged before a magistrates court for committing  the crime on two separate dates of April last year.

The elderly lady appeared in court to represent herself seeming weak and unable to communicate fluently. She was seated through the courts session unable to stand for long at the dock.

Wairimu Kinyanjui 80,Hannah Gathoni ,29 and Naomi Wambui,27 jointly denied three  different counts before a Makadara court.

They were arrested over the weekend but were each released with a sh 10,000 police bond for appearance in court.

Joseph Waithaka deposited half a million shillings to the suspects last year with the agreement that they would transfer plot number 222 from James Maina for confirmed ownership in the title deed.  However, the court further established that James Maina was missing and still at large for further investigations.

Wairimu, a businesswoman commonly respected as the Chairlady of Ngara's women group used her office at Aqua house in Ngara to facilitate the transactions. She was jointly charged for conspiring to defraud by receiving sh 470,000 from Waithaka on 15th April 2011

On the second count she was jointly charged for obtaining money in the pretense that she would transfer the said plot number  and receiving sh 21,000 on April 1st 2011.

In addition she was charged for intending to defraud by receiving sh 20,000 in the pretense of further transferring the plot on 15th April last year.

P.M Rose Otieno granted each a cash bail of sh30,000 with an alternative bond of sh 100,000.

The case will be heard late November this year.

Wednesday 19 September 2012


Popular gospel musician Jimmy gait gathered scores of successful artists and entrepreneurs during his first tour of Make it or Make it campaign.

The event was filled with excited youths and local celebrities at St. Austins church .

Gait entered the stage making a statement when he was elevated down through a hoist. The crowed filled with excitement danced and sang along to his famous songs.

The campaign intends to take a nationwide tour inspiring youths to positive ventures and being successful in their dreams despite encountered challenges.

“There are those who will put you down and tell you that it’s not possible. But keep walking as they talk.” He said as his message to youth in the congregation.

He managed to interview Safaricoms CEO Bob Collymore on stage after a short dance with Emmy Kosgei and Esther Wahome

The CEO who did not go to University amazed the congregation even more at his narration of success. “Limitations don’t deny your destiny.” Collymore said during the Make it or Make it interview.

“People don’t have to see where you are going with your dreams, it’s only you who can and must believe in yourself at whatever cost.” Gait concluded.

Among others interviewed on stage were Miss Universe Esther Wahome, San Valencia CEO Finlays Kimathi, JCC Bishop Allan Kiuna, Kenya’s comedian Churchill and MP Ferdinand Waititu.

Monday 17 September 2012


Altarmin Dance group perform the "Miguna Dance"

There’s a new jiggy style in town known as “Miguna Dance”Altarmin Dance group cheered crowds into excitement gathered at St. Austins Church recently.

The event was a campaign strategy to inspire youths to dream big and be successful dubbed as Make it or Make it.

The dance group roared a congregation that was filled with other local celebrities.  When they hit their dance climax, they mimicked a rigorous scene of “come baby, come”.

The crowd livened into amusement and gave a standing ovation before Altarmin exit from stage.

According to the group leader Socrates Mido their group of 15 members originally came up with the new style.  “We prefer to work with current affairs and trends of times in our dance moves.” He said

The group which began last February performed  their dance before Jaguar, Kenyan comedians, Dj Wesley, Tina Kagia, Emmy Kosgei, Size 8 and Avril.

Tuesday 11 September 2012


A court has warned a 14 year old boy against future appearances in the dock in relation to crime.

The minor spent eight days in custody charged for stealing sh 2,000 money from his mother’s wallet and disappearing from home for two days.

A makadara court released the boy after his mother forgave him aloud from the dock but warned that next time he would be imprisoned.

The boy’s mother shed tears while withdrawing the case even before he denied or accepted the charges. She told the court she wanted her son arrested for his own safety when she reported to police on August 27 th.

The mother was contacted on 29 th by the Chief of Githurai area informing of her sons custody at the camp.

The court heard that the boy rarely sleeps at home as he moves around in a gang within Sunton Estate in Kasarani.

Before his release the boy confused the court claiming that his mother stirred the situation in court when he insisted he wanted to live with his biological father away from his step father .

The 32 year old mother told the magistrate that he was stubborn and failed attending school. She asked the court for guidance since she already paid a year’s school fees in vain.

Principal Magistrate Rose Otieno released the child under section 204 of the penal code.

Thursday 6 September 2012


 A  court has set free a 17 year girl accused of neglecting an 8 month old baby and camping outdoors at night in Embakasi.

The minor spent in custody since her plea on August 17th last month  and remanded at langata womens prison.

The form two drop out is a mother of two children who traveled to Nairobi all the way from Webuye in search of the baby's father. 

Police arrested her on August 15th while she camped at his place of work along the corridors seeking financial support. Fellow colleagues found her a nuisance and attacked her claiming child neglect on her part.

She was charged for child neglect at the Makadara court two days after her arrest and the baby was taken to a childrens home.

A childrens officer claimed she was unstable and violent during her time of arrest and could not be refereed to the Kabete childrens cells.

The court heared that efforts to reach the baby's father was futile as he hung up on the Childrens officers in request to support the child.The orphan lost her mother last year after an illness and has never met her father.

Before the young mother accepted the charges at the Makadara court she denied the accusations during her plea. She confessed that she had not fed her daughter and had no warm clothing over night

Principal Magistrate Rose Otieno treated her as a first offender and counseled her before the minors freedom was ordered.She was discharged under section 34 of the penal code.

However, the minor may access her child through the court after she is stable enough to sustain the two children.

Monday 3 September 2012


 A 33 year old man still remains in custody four years after being accused of repeatedly sodomizing two brothers within Nairobi.

The Ex university of Nairobi student was charged for sodomizing the boys who were seven and eight years old back then in 2008 at Makongeni estate.

Ray Thomas Ochieng proceeds with the case that links him to additional accusations of sodomizing two other boys within the the same neighborhood.

The suspect is accused of sodomizing the brothers in the morning of September 6th,2008. The brothers were on school holidays and were called by the suspect while they were playing.
He allegedly showered the boys with cakes and sweets at his home after convincing them that he was a harmless neighbor.  Soon after he sodomized the youngest brother once and the elder brother twice in his bedroom.

He  warned the two not to speak of the incident to anyone and gave them a total of sh 12 as a token for more sweets. However, they confessed to their mother and were rushed to Nairobi hospital before reporting to the police.

Ochieng was charged before the Makadara court for unnatural of fence contrary to section 162 of the penal code.

The court heard that the victims age mates in the same neighborhood had similar complaints from the same suspect. He has cases in consolidation to the same charge but with no previous records of crime.

Yesterday, the case developed  during its mention when sworn evidence was considered by the court.

Ochieng has been in custody since his arrest of16 th September 2008.

The case will be heared in October this year.