
Thursday 19 July 2012


After eight years of marriage and blessed with one child, a military officer brutally killed his wife in a domestic quarrel about four years ago.

The solider was this week sentenced to three years imprisonment after stabbing his wife severally and strangling her to death.

He was charged for manslaughter after he surrendered to the military police camp in Eldoret within four days of the crime.

Julius Nangaki Barasa killed his wife after forcefully locking his five year old girl and house-help in the Kitchen on November 28 th  2009.

Filled with guilt and  with a phone call from his friend confirming his wife’s death , he traveled from his hide out in Busia, Western province to face his seniors  on December 1 st of 2009 at the camp.

They resided at Umoja II at the heart of Eastland’s where neighbors managed to rescue the house-help and the child who were locked up through the kitchen balcony.

The deceased, Nelly Juma was found lying dead on the sitting room floor. Her body was bloody with stab wounds all over her face and neck.  She was covered in a curtain and the husbands shirt.

After witnessing the gruesome sight of the mothers body lying in the kitchen floor, the child recites how she begged her father to stop the fight before locking them in the kitchen.

Since the father is now  in prison and her mother passed away, at nine years old she lives with her grandmother today.

The convict was ranked Private at the Kenya Army in Moi Airbase.  He allegedly took a shower after the violent night and immediately escaped the crime scene to his home in Western Kenya. He left his daughter and the house help still locked in the kitchen but neighbors came to their rescue after alarming them through the balcony.

Lying next to the body on the crime scene was a broken knife and broken bottle glasses. She had stabs all over her face and neck.

According to the postmortem, her cause of death was due to Asphyxiation - manual strangulation and that the body had no defense injuries. But Photos of the crime scene visibly exposed a broken knife lying next to the deceased deeply wounded and blood stained body.

On the gruesome night, a confrontation occurred after the deceased realized she left her bag at her salon less than 300 meters from their house. She returned to collect the bag at about 8pm and arrived home to find her husband furious. He rushed to the kitchen for a knife, despite his five year old daughter’s intervention to stop. 

On December 15 th of 2009 the convict  was charged with manslaughter contrary to section 202 as read with section 205 of the penal code on.

Former Makadara Chief Magistrate Martin Muya stated that the accused must have strangled the wife to death.

His behaviour of locking up his daughter and household in the kitchen , escaping from the crime scene and showering were acts of guilt conscious.

The fear of his arrest led him to flea instead of taking his wife to hospital after  her being unconscious. The two scenarios were different as night and day. 

His sh 500,000 bond for freedom was fruitless as the state retained the money and he will serve his three year sentence at Kamiti maximum prison.

Photos courtesy: Fransoir Images

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