
Saturday 28 July 2012


A woman suspected of conning goods valued at over sh 14.4 million was
dramatically rearrested outside a court for another case of similar

The middle aged woman was ushered into a motor vehicle by CID officers
shortly after she secured cash bail on another case currently pending
at the Makadara court.

Before her re-arrest Harriet Karambu was charged alongside an Irish
man Bryne Cathal alias James Elgin. They were  accused of producing
fake LPO's to local companies in the name of being a Non governmental
Organisation  established along Thika road .

In the case that accused them of obtaining over sh 14 million Karambu
acquired a bond of sh 500,000 but the Irish man was denied bail until
he could access a Kenyan surety of the same amount.

However, moments after  her release from the dock she was recaptured
to facilitate investigations in another case.  They allegedly conned
Somali businessmen obtained goods valued at over sh 11.4 million .
They failed to pay the required amount of money after accessing over
150 bags of maize and 800 bags of beans from the business men.

This comes within two months of their appearance before the High court
where they faced charges of sh 1.7 million fraud . They failed to pay
for 34 laptops of from two businessmen at west lands between August and
September last year. The high court further clarified that the Irish
man was illegally transacting business in Kenya without a work permit.

The two are also facing additional charges of conspiring to commit a
felony before the Makadara courts. They are to appear in court alongside
Eunice Karibe who applied for a court order from the high court barring police
 from arresting her. They allegedly stole 1000 cartons of soap,1000 cartons of
 cooking fat all valued at over sh 4.000,000 from Violet Akoth between 15 th
and 22nd June this year.

The complainants told the press that media reports  concerning the
suspects court appearance caused an alarm. They realized that they
were victims of fraud. So far the three suspects have at least four
court cases before the high court and Makadara.

Their cases will be heard in August this year.


A woman has been charged for conning a job seeker sh 150,000 in the pretence of securing employment for the man overseas.

The man allegedly paid the sum of money in several installments last year with the hope of acquiring employment in Afghanistan.

Lucy Wanjiru Maina appeared before a Makadara court to take her plea. She denied charges of obtaining money by false pretence within Nairobi.

Prosecution states that the money was received on diverse dates between November 17  th and December 12  th  last year at Roasters Inn in Kasarani.

She allegedly took sh 150,000 from Julius Ndirangu with the intent to  defraud by falsely pretending she would connect him to a job through a local organization, Kenya Seafearers.

The money was paid by virtue of him being secured employment in Afghanistan, a fact the suspect knew to be false contrary to section 313 of the penal code.

The case will be heard on 15 th November this year  at the same court.

Thursday 19 July 2012


After eight years of marriage and blessed with one child, a military officer brutally killed his wife in a domestic quarrel about four years ago.

The solider was this week sentenced to three years imprisonment after stabbing his wife severally and strangling her to death.

He was charged for manslaughter after he surrendered to the military police camp in Eldoret within four days of the crime.

Julius Nangaki Barasa killed his wife after forcefully locking his five year old girl and house-help in the Kitchen on November 28 th  2009.

Filled with guilt and  with a phone call from his friend confirming his wife’s death , he traveled from his hide out in Busia, Western province to face his seniors  on December 1 st of 2009 at the camp.

They resided at Umoja II at the heart of Eastland’s where neighbors managed to rescue the house-help and the child who were locked up through the kitchen balcony.

The deceased, Nelly Juma was found lying dead on the sitting room floor. Her body was bloody with stab wounds all over her face and neck.  She was covered in a curtain and the husbands shirt.

After witnessing the gruesome sight of the mothers body lying in the kitchen floor, the child recites how she begged her father to stop the fight before locking them in the kitchen.

Since the father is now  in prison and her mother passed away, at nine years old she lives with her grandmother today.

The convict was ranked Private at the Kenya Army in Moi Airbase.  He allegedly took a shower after the violent night and immediately escaped the crime scene to his home in Western Kenya. He left his daughter and the house help still locked in the kitchen but neighbors came to their rescue after alarming them through the balcony.

Lying next to the body on the crime scene was a broken knife and broken bottle glasses. She had stabs all over her face and neck.

According to the postmortem, her cause of death was due to Asphyxiation - manual strangulation and that the body had no defense injuries. But Photos of the crime scene visibly exposed a broken knife lying next to the deceased deeply wounded and blood stained body.

On the gruesome night, a confrontation occurred after the deceased realized she left her bag at her salon less than 300 meters from their house. She returned to collect the bag at about 8pm and arrived home to find her husband furious. He rushed to the kitchen for a knife, despite his five year old daughter’s intervention to stop. 

On December 15 th of 2009 the convict  was charged with manslaughter contrary to section 202 as read with section 205 of the penal code on.

Former Makadara Chief Magistrate Martin Muya stated that the accused must have strangled the wife to death.

His behaviour of locking up his daughter and household in the kitchen , escaping from the crime scene and showering were acts of guilt conscious.

The fear of his arrest led him to flea instead of taking his wife to hospital after  her being unconscious. The two scenarios were different as night and day. 

His sh 500,000 bond for freedom was fruitless as the state retained the money and he will serve his three year sentence at Kamiti maximum prison.

Photos courtesy: Fransoir Images


The distressed USIU couple were finally granted a cash bail of sh 300,000  each after facing three different charges of capital offenses before a Makadara court.

But the students will remain in custody as they await to proceed on other cases which link them to Murder before the High court. They are suspected of murdering Sarah Aruwa a USIU student, after kidnapping her and demanding an unidentified amount of ransom.

Duncan Kimathi and his girlfriend Winnie Kariuki appeared before a Makadara court last week. They  denied additional charges of kidnap and robbery with Violence, purported to have occurred within the boundaries of their University.

SPM Timothy Okello  suspend the students bond applications for a later date of mention after an investigating officer alarmed the court and linked Kimathi to another case of defilement which invovled a 16 year old girl from Uganda.
The court heared that the girl was admitted at KNH after she was found unconscious in Kiambu area, she identified Kimathi as the suspect after publications of his charges in the Press.

As the magistrate suspended the case last Thursday, the 27 year old man appeared in court for fresh charges of kidnapping and robbing Melissa Ouko outside the gates of United States International University.
Jointly with others not before court he was armed with dangerous weapons and robbed off her phone and other valuables worth sh 36,000 .

Yesterday, Resident Magistrate Esther Nyongesa heard that investigations were complete and accommodated the couple’s bond application and their access to witness statements.
She granted each a sh 500,000  bond with a kenyan surety of similar amount or  an alternative of cash bail sh 300,000 . The case will be heard on August 8th this year.

Wednesday 11 July 2012


A university student and his college girlfriend were yesterday denied
a bond application after being suspected for defilement, abduction and
robbery charges in Nairobi.

 A Makadara court said the two suspects will remain in custody at
least for seven more days before the court could make its ruling on
their terms of bond applications.

Duncan Kimathi , a USIU student and Winnie Kariuki, a student at
Kiambu institute of science and Technology are facing  three new
charges before the Makadara court.

Yesterday, the court heard that police were investigating a case of a
16 year old Ugandan girl who was defiled and admitted at Kenyatta
National hospital to date.

It’s alleged the minor was kidnapped within Kiambu area before being
defiled and dumped unconsciously.
Police have established new investigations link Kimathi to be involved
with the offense. He will wait to hear the courts ruling for his bond
application on the mention date.

Yesterdays charges accused them of kidnapping and robbing Melissa Ouko
outside the gates of United States International University.
They were allegedly armed with dangerous weapons and robbed off her
phone and other valuables worth sh 36,000 .

Yesterdays charge emerged as the second within a  their week’s
appearance in high court. They faced charges of Murder on Tuesday

Last Tuesday, the duo was suspected of murdering Sarah Aruwa a USIU
student, after kidnapping her and demanding unidentified amount of

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello said the case will be
mentioned on 18 th July this month.


A 29 year old woman was charged for intending to steal a three year old girl and packing her in a bag within Nairobi.

Lydia Gathoni Wanjiru was accused of fixing the baby girl in a sisal bag  from a house where she posed as a visitor in Mathare area.

She allegedly tricked the babies mother to go to the shop as she tried to place the baby in a bag on 5th July of  this month.

On the fateful day, she visted the babies mother and introduced herself as being close friends with the mother. She claimed to be hungry and gave the babies mother some money to buy food .

She explaind  her main interest was to visit and bless the baby as it had been a long term arrangement which she needed to fulfill. However, incidents later stated that Gathoni fraudulently intended to deprive the three year old girl from her mother.

Ten minutes after the babies mother went to the shop, she returned to find Gathoni had fixed her baby in a bag ready to exit the house. She had unlawful possession of the child and was in the process of disapearing without a clear identity.

She raised an  alarm and a mob of neighbors responded . Gathoni was nearly burnt with a tire and by an angry mob.

She was taken to pangani police station and charged with Child stealing, contrary to section 174 of the penal code.

SHe denied the charge before a Makadara court. She was granted a cash bail of sh 20,000.

Prosecution didn not explain weather she planned to sell the baby or what her intentions were.

According a Childs Officer and sources ,child stealing and selling is on the rise . A child can be sold for at least sh 25,000 from slums and other low income areas.

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello said the case will be heared on October 16th at the same court.

Wednesday 4 July 2012


A 26 year old man remains in custody accused of defiling a Kenyan
Somali minor within Nairobi.

The Suspect is a neighbour and well known to the girls family.He took
advantage of the minor knowing the father was sick in hospital.

Mathew Ngolo has failed to raise a cash bail of sh 100,000 since his
arrest in January this year.

The five year old girl was left alone at their home in Eastleigh
early this year on 20th January.  Her mother went to attend to the
girls father in hospital and returned to her daughter who was

According to prosecution the girl was called by the suspect away from
her friends.He led her to a corner at about 2.30pm and defiled her.
She failed to tell her friends of the incident because she confessed
to being 'shy'.

Prosecution listed three witnesses but none has been summoned before
court nor written a statement to date.

Medical reports indicate the minor was indeed defiled  with evidence
of inflammation. She was treated at Nairobi Womens Hospital within 48
hours of the incident with antibiotics.But there is recommendations of
counselling that is yet to be fulfilled.

Ndolo denied two counts of defiling the minor and indecently touching
her private parts.
If found guilty her may face up to 20 years imprisonment or life.

Resident Magistrate Daniel Kinaro said the case will be heared on
October 3rd before the Makadara court for witnesses to be summoned.


A 19 year old lady was charged for stealing a police officers side
mirror over the weekened.

Coincidentally,  she was trapped by officers on patrol along Pangani
area within Starehe district.

Rose Bisaju affirmed to charges of stealing the mirror belonging to a
female officer valued at sh 14,000.

The officers in pairs interrogated her whearabouts on sunday evening
because she appeared suspicious.They established that she made
conflicting responses while attepting to escape.

When they searched her they found her with a side mirror that
resembled one of the officers side mirror. The female officer went to
view her vehicle as parked and relaised that hr miror was missing
,looking identical to the stolen one.

She was put in custody at Pangani station and charged for stealing
contrary to section 268 of the penal code.

She accepted the facts as read aloud in court  while uttering words at
the dock, seeming mentally unstable.  She confidently told a Makadara
court that she stole the mirror during a trafic jam in Pangani area.

Senior Principal Magistrate ordered her  check up at Mathari mental
hospital. The  case will be mentioned on 4 th July.