
Friday 9 August 2013


From Germany,Tanzania then Kenya . Mitumba- The Happening exposes fashion trends; distribution to Africa and identity conflict.

Mitumba is Swahili for second hand cloths. Mitumba-The Happening, asks how mobility and a constantly changing society affects the artistic practice. 

This play uses circulation of second hand clothing as a starting point for its artistic work, to protest the mechanisms of the neo-liberal market.

Searching for new forms of presentation a collective of choreographers and dancers from Kenya, Tanzania, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, the United States and Taiwan that have known each other for years, combine ethics of the discourse with aesthetic principles.

'Mitumba 'deals with the issue of mobility, transformation and culture in the course of globalization. The project was initiated by a Kenyan group known as Tuchangamke.

About 10 international artists are expected to light up CBD with artistic performances this October.

Their theatrical performances and musical aura will set the town ablaze into the effects of buying second-hand fashion.

At the international level, mobility affects artistic development and creation. How do we produce art within the creative tension of international platforms and exchange projects with people constantly on the move?

Artists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Germany, Spain and France, the USA and Taiwan have gathered and analyzed a variety of issues through performances they give as part of a collective, long-term production process.


Tuchangamke was formed in 2009 as an artistic group registered as a self help group with the then ministry of gender, sports ,heritage and culture. members consists of local professional artistes, coming from various artistic backgrounds such as theater, visual art, video, photography, music and dance. The group currently bases its activity at the Godown Arts Centre.

The participating artists came together during several artistic residences in Kenya,Germany and Tanzania between 2010 and 2012.

During those meetings our focus was placed on addressing and discussing social, economic and cultural layers of mitumba and also on exchanging artistic and practical notes on dance techniques, song, music, video and visual art.

What you need to know!

Clothing as a status symbol and meaningful provider of identity At the same time, the bizarre routes that second-hand clothing takes and their economic linkage are emblematic of the journeys that people undertake, of immersions into other cultures and the shedding of skin that this brings, of the change caused by the artistic invasion of other culture markets.

Local designers, textile companies, Kenya's finest fashionistas and various clothe markets should be engaged with a local identity concept and feel involved to make a difference.(Mitumba clothes kills culture and economy,say no to Mitumba clothes!)

The event is expected to be Kenya's first multimedia experience of theater in the public. For two days,acting about the market place will be demonstrated in a play,using large screen projections of how Mitumba happens.

Mitumba is a four hour performance and begins from 3-7 pm, watch it this October on the 6th at Kenya National Theater and 7th at Tom Mboya monument!


A  local Kenyan website for trading new and used  laptops and smart phones has been  unveiled.

The website is geared towards helping people buy and sell new or used laptops or smart phones has been unveiled, .

The site has been designed to cater for people who desire to buy new or used gadgets including smart phones, tablets and laptops in Kenya.

People who wish to sell their gadgets can post their items in three easy steps and for absolutely free, and their gadgets will be online almost instantly.

If you are looking for a device, say a tablet simply use the search tool that is on the left hand side of the website, by selecting the criteria for the search, for example the model, price memory capacity, and you are done.

A list of search results appears and you can select device that fits your taste, and simply contact the seller.

Although this falls as among the recent innovations locally for online trading . This particular site aims to offer solutions for gadgets with accurate specifications of items intended to be bought or sold by users.