
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Digital and Social Media Training sets foot in Kenya

Is your organization struggling to hire consultants or new people to take on such things as social media?

As usual, social media is a  new responsibility for most organisations. Unfortunately, it falls on overloaded communication staff or a volunteers.

In the next three weeks, a two day training organised by Africa Center for Development Communication's, will expose ardent matters on social leadership and engagement style.

Practical training will take place on 24th and  25th June at Garcia Gardens in Kilimani. Learning how to maximize the impact they can have using digital and social media platforms; while engaging audiences to action online.

Experts at the training  will show exactly how to listen, engage and move people to action online. This is whether you are completely new to social media or have dabbled in it!

Its evident the class will help build a comprehensive and strategic digital and social media strategy for a dominant brand.l give your brand a dominant presence.

Read for more details:
Media Source Africa: Digital and Social Media Skills for Non Profits in June 24-25th 2013

Sunday 26 May 2013


From left,Polish Ambassador Marek Ziolkowski , his wife center Bogumila Ziolkowski and Ambassadors Deputy Aleksander Kropiwnicki
It was an amazing Friday night for Polish residents in Kenya during their National day celebration.

To mark the occasion, the Polish Embassy set a reception inviting both African and European nationals to mingle a few weeks back.

Polish Ambassador Marek Ziolkowski had the privilege to host at his residence along Muthaiga drive through glamorous delicacies and varieties of wine.
Closer to his heart, It was his first grande event since he relocated to the country from August last year.
But, the event was more than just a celebration. The aim was to organise and invite countries with little European connection.

At least 40 Ambassadors and representatives from different Nationalities graced the event including: South Africa,Netherlands,Pakistan,Algeria,Ukraine,Ethiopia,Sudan among other seniors.

In recent months European Nations have proposed major topics of discussions for their upcoming Congress this May. " The main topic this year is "Cooperation with African countries". We plan to organise Eight business men from Kenya,Rwanda and Tanzania to represent these countries for the congress." said Amb. Ziolkowski.

Nevertheless, Kenya receives over 1000 Polish tourist  twice a week. They access direct flights to Mombasa in high peak seasons. He added ,"We aim to extend our relationship with these countries and Poland.This was an exotic event for Kenyans."

However he mentioned on the new government stating. "The new government should observe ranking indicators and improve in the necessary changes such as economy and corruption." he concluded.

Visible kenyan representatives at the scene were Isaiah Kiplagat and his wife (TJRC) and Phillda Njau (Paa Ya Paa ). 


Dr Ulf  Vierke shows one of paintings from Nsukka  Art school in Nigeria
Art lovers can relate with Nigerian art historically, showcased at the Goethe Institute for one more week.

Nsukka Art school from Nigeria, has a 30 year collection of drawings and poetry synchronizing the feel of political, economic and social  injustices.

Kenya is the first in East Africa to witness a new look to the pieces done back in the 80's. Hereafter the tours next stop will be Uganda.

In a theme dubbed the Poetic Line, the exhibition was opened  a few weeks back courtesy of Iwalewa-Haus Bayreuth from Germany in cooperation with Goethe.

Guests look through art by Nsukka School
At the opening it was a spectacular ambiance, as the lighting was specific to each section.

The white walls attracted neat art lovers to grace through the pieces in a story line. It leads from the first to fifth generation of the Art school.

The curator Ulf Vierke confessed," The art links to the sad story of Biafra War in Nigeria. Its brutality in the 80's made people lost in the past with an interest to find optimism."

However, it showcases only three of the traditionally famed Nigerian artists . El Anatsui,Obiora Udechukwu and Olu Oguibe ,link the past and present with a section of their poetry as side bars on the drawings.

As one walks past these drawings, its evident they adopt European media! They use pen, brush,ink ,silkscreen and arching ( needle use on a metal plate).

In a calligraphic representation of poetry,  Kenya's Gor Soudan and Solo 7 filled the exhibition walls in writing. 

Ironically, the event had few Nigerians and more of locals who were curious to embrace their art. Poetic line will be open from 1 to 6 pm.
Goethe Institute Director Johannes Hossfeld (left) receives a book with 12 poems by Chinua Acebe  titled " Zwolf Gedicte" from Curators Katharina Graven (centre), Dr. Ulf Vierke (right)


 It was an hour of insight,watching a documentation about massive slavery in Africa.

At the opening,  ‘Slave Routes: A Global Vision’ was showcased at Alliance Francaise .Hundreds of scholars,researchers and activists were enlightened through a photographic film directed by Sheila Walker and Georges Collinet.
While  celebrating the French National Day two weeks ago , UNESCO merged with Alliance Francaise to showcase a photo exhibition dubbed 'Lest we forget: Triumph over slavery'.

By 31st May, the exhibition will hit its last show and head over to Mombasa. The town is well known for its rich and indepth storyline of slavery.

The documentary made an overview of the massive deportation of African populations to different parts  of the world including the Americas, Europe, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East and Asia.

Interestingly, Government representatives were engaged in a debate shortly after the documentary, on how to tackle modern day slavery such as Human trafficking.

Guests were hosted to french delights, drinks and Afro jazz music by Radi band.

The exhibition has tremendous photos on display with an inspiring look at the cultural, political, economic and social practices enslaved in Africans while enduring the dehumanizing conditions of slavery.

Delighted at the scene were Mr.Radoslaw Malinowski,Director of ( HAART), Sr. Maggi Kenedy HAART lecturer, UNESCO Director Mohamed Djelid,Director of Minsitry of National Heritage Wenslas Ong'ayo'ogw .