
Friday 9 August 2013


From Germany,Tanzania then Kenya . Mitumba- The Happening exposes fashion trends; distribution to Africa and identity conflict.

Mitumba is Swahili for second hand cloths. Mitumba-The Happening, asks how mobility and a constantly changing society affects the artistic practice. 

This play uses circulation of second hand clothing as a starting point for its artistic work, to protest the mechanisms of the neo-liberal market.

Searching for new forms of presentation a collective of choreographers and dancers from Kenya, Tanzania, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, the United States and Taiwan that have known each other for years, combine ethics of the discourse with aesthetic principles.

'Mitumba 'deals with the issue of mobility, transformation and culture in the course of globalization. The project was initiated by a Kenyan group known as Tuchangamke.

About 10 international artists are expected to light up CBD with artistic performances this October.

Their theatrical performances and musical aura will set the town ablaze into the effects of buying second-hand fashion.

At the international level, mobility affects artistic development and creation. How do we produce art within the creative tension of international platforms and exchange projects with people constantly on the move?

Artists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Germany, Spain and France, the USA and Taiwan have gathered and analyzed a variety of issues through performances they give as part of a collective, long-term production process.


Tuchangamke was formed in 2009 as an artistic group registered as a self help group with the then ministry of gender, sports ,heritage and culture. members consists of local professional artistes, coming from various artistic backgrounds such as theater, visual art, video, photography, music and dance. The group currently bases its activity at the Godown Arts Centre.

The participating artists came together during several artistic residences in Kenya,Germany and Tanzania between 2010 and 2012.

During those meetings our focus was placed on addressing and discussing social, economic and cultural layers of mitumba and also on exchanging artistic and practical notes on dance techniques, song, music, video and visual art.

What you need to know!

Clothing as a status symbol and meaningful provider of identity At the same time, the bizarre routes that second-hand clothing takes and their economic linkage are emblematic of the journeys that people undertake, of immersions into other cultures and the shedding of skin that this brings, of the change caused by the artistic invasion of other culture markets.

Local designers, textile companies, Kenya's finest fashionistas and various clothe markets should be engaged with a local identity concept and feel involved to make a difference.(Mitumba clothes kills culture and economy,say no to Mitumba clothes!)

The event is expected to be Kenya's first multimedia experience of theater in the public. For two days,acting about the market place will be demonstrated in a play,using large screen projections of how Mitumba happens.

Mitumba is a four hour performance and begins from 3-7 pm, watch it this October on the 6th at Kenya National Theater and 7th at Tom Mboya monument!


A  local Kenyan website for trading new and used  laptops and smart phones has been  unveiled.

The website is geared towards helping people buy and sell new or used laptops or smart phones has been unveiled, .

The site has been designed to cater for people who desire to buy new or used gadgets including smart phones, tablets and laptops in Kenya.

People who wish to sell their gadgets can post their items in three easy steps and for absolutely free, and their gadgets will be online almost instantly.

If you are looking for a device, say a tablet simply use the search tool that is on the left hand side of the website, by selecting the criteria for the search, for example the model, price memory capacity, and you are done.

A list of search results appears and you can select device that fits your taste, and simply contact the seller.

Although this falls as among the recent innovations locally for online trading . This particular site aims to offer solutions for gadgets with accurate specifications of items intended to be bought or sold by users.

Tuesday 30 July 2013


 Click this Link to Watch Video : MITUMBA TRAILER COMING TO KENYA

Its going to be Kenya' s first stage and multimedia presentation of clothes in our Nairobi market.

For three days in October, an artistic performance will be illuminated by international dancers, singers,directors and instrumentalists.

'Mitumba' is a Swahili word meaning -secondhand clothes. The event intends to showcase the massive culture of 'Mitumba"- Being a second hand enterprise in Africa.

According to Kefa Oiro ,Artistic Director of Mitumba Project: " What is given whole heartedly to benefit Africans in Europe and America is hardly thought of as a business venture. Its a shocker for those who donate these items to realise that people profit from dues on various transit levels." he explains.

However, strong implications in African economies constantly realise that inflation peddles upon a non-producing and low-exporting country. The rising demand for 'Mitumba' has turned Kenya among other East African Countries into Second hand economies.

Consequently, local designers, tailors and textile industries have failed to reach their niche market to maximum. The greatest concern leads to a transparent lack of culture and identity in fashion or creativity.

The event first began its tour in Germany and seeks to make Kenya, its first African destination with a lead to Tanzania thereafter.

To participate in the event, watch  trailer link and media for more.

Friday 26 July 2013


Dr Ofweneke addressing artistes at Ray Talk

Its been a year of comedy growth among Kenyans and this has brought great a lot of dilemma for audiences and enhanced competition.

Kenya's Nigerian accent Dr Ofweneke also has his fair side of haters in the entertainment industry.

For a while, he has experienced persistent hate statements from growing players in the comedy scene. But, the passionate comedian says his competitors should 'bring it on'.

During an artist mentorship program by Ray media, he confessed that upcoming comedians have downplayed his role and threatened to wear him off the industry. " My competitors cant take me down. On the contrary, I encourage them to bring the challenge." Dr. Ofweneke said in a daring tone.

According to the comedian, their actions are posed on ignorance and fail to understand that ones identity is unique in the industry. " You can never compete like revenge with the intention to replace someone. You cannot be Dr. Ofweneke but yourself." he explained.

He continues to hold his title as a Radio presenter at Milele fm and Mc major gigs atleast on a weekly basis


Victor Mbuvi far right
Victor Mbuvi  is not just an ecstatic musician but a potential co-publisher to a book he is yet to release.

In the next two months, the artist is set to launch his book titled "When greatness Calls: A life's journal."

This will also create the platform to spread a new music video which features Ambassador, titled 'Nangojea'.

The song has received airplay in stations but the video shoot will take place in August,the theme encourages people to be patient in God's blessings.
According to Mbuvi, he aims to make the launch and set a series of tours in Machakos around September.
For him, music is just another side of his talent but explains that he intends to partner with the local publishing firm that is set to release his book.

" The book is about a series of lessons learned in life and my personal experiences. It should be out by September." he explained joyfully.


Victor Mbuvi, lilian Muli and Gerry Wainaina
At least 150 artists were privileged to go through a mentor-ship session, teaching loopholes of success in the entertainment industry.

Ray media held its 2 nd Edition of talks last weekend, increasing the number of artists who were to benefit in the program.

The forum dubbed as Ray talk, made this time inclusive of Dj’s and radio presenters.

Dr. Ofweneke was the Mc at the event ,which is to take place after every three months.He made humor while reflecting to his growth in the industry from humble beginnings.

Gospel artist Eco Dydda  made a sterling performance  after guest speakers Lilian Muli, Peter Nduati and Sk Blue opened to the audience seated at the Michael Jospeh centre.

Lilian Muli engaged the audience in a one hour session. She advised artists on how to approach image and branding .

The Tv presenter explained that her success in media has been a chase of eight years consistency. While referring to personal rumors in the industry, she warned artists to be careful . “Sometimes it’s your own friends who spill your stories to the public. People must be very careful with friends.”

Peter Nduati gave his inspiring story from rags to riches. He explained strategies of excellence in business.

Sk Blue summarized the talks talking about quality and standard in the industry. “Artists must be very sensitive to packaging and presentation. This separates people from average products.” The next mentorship program is anticipated to be in October this year.

According to Ray Media CEO Rachael Njonge, “The  free event saw guests increase in numbers with support from sponsors."

Wednesday 24 July 2013


Lilian Muli and Dr. Ofweneke at Ray Media event.
An audience was baffled over the weekend to learn that TV presenter Lilian Muli is a newly saved christian.

 The media personality has since gone shy on these assertions which spilled to the public.

However, in a media interview  she confessed to  have a christian background.“ I have been a religious person since my youth . It’s not a new thing for me to go to church.” She said.

This came moments after a comment was aired before a crowd at the Ray talk media event. She was participating in the program as a mentor to artists and youths.

Nevertheless, she admits that the industry has spread enough rumors about her and stopped being surprised. 

She confidently claims that she is secure with nothing to defend herself about. “People want to drag you down.  I have decided to go mute, the Kibaki way when it comes to rumors. I choose to ignore and filter what people say.” She said.

Lilian Muli takes a pose with Cubanotics, artist manager
However, she is also a joyful mother, despite keeping her family away from the public limelight. Word is found out  she  recently celebrated her sons birthday in a lavish party. 

“I celebrated my sons birthday last week. He Josh Munene turned three years old.” She confessed not getting into details on the budget.

What are her words to haters?  “ Thank you haters. You make me survive.” She says.


Granpa records Music Producers Jill and V6 and Granpa records President Refigah (right)
A five year contract between Mr Nice(Lucas Mkenda)  and Granpa records has been terminated.
So far, Mr. Nice has managed to release only one song titled 'Chali wa Kibera' under the record label.

He was accused of harrasing ladies and not cooperating with management through the course of business.

The once celebrated Bongo artiste is also yet to face action for un recovered investments during the business with Granpa Records.
The termination occurs exactly four months after the contract was merged on February 2nd. 

On Wednesday ,Granpa Records President ,Refigah chaired a press conference highligting atleast  four major grounds for elimination.

In a letter dated on 3rd June, the Bongo artiste was accused of breaching the contract by not communicating about a previously signed deal with Tanzanians   recording label Sharaff and Lamar.

The letter further stated that Mr. Nice failed to fulfill a pledge of 10%  earnings to orphaned children in Kenya and Tanzania.
However, the contract signed in February read that 60% of payment goes to the managers and only 40% goes to the artiste.
In addition to his termination the letter read  " are always drunk,miss st studio appointments and portray a negative image of Granpa records.This has led to loss in collaboration to opportunities."
Granpa records is legally consulting on recovering losses made .

Nevertheless, part of the contract stated that if any partners wished to terminate the contract would compensate at least Tsh 50,000,000 (Ksh 3,000,000).
So what next for Mr. Nice as his music is on air and who will win this case? He is yet to respond to several media reports and allegations posed to him.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Digital and Social Media Training sets foot in Kenya

Is your organization struggling to hire consultants or new people to take on such things as social media?

As usual, social media is a  new responsibility for most organisations. Unfortunately, it falls on overloaded communication staff or a volunteers.

In the next three weeks, a two day training organised by Africa Center for Development Communication's, will expose ardent matters on social leadership and engagement style.

Practical training will take place on 24th and  25th June at Garcia Gardens in Kilimani. Learning how to maximize the impact they can have using digital and social media platforms; while engaging audiences to action online.

Experts at the training  will show exactly how to listen, engage and move people to action online. This is whether you are completely new to social media or have dabbled in it!

Its evident the class will help build a comprehensive and strategic digital and social media strategy for a dominant brand.l give your brand a dominant presence.

Read for more details:
Media Source Africa: Digital and Social Media Skills for Non Profits in June 24-25th 2013

Sunday 26 May 2013


From left,Polish Ambassador Marek Ziolkowski , his wife center Bogumila Ziolkowski and Ambassadors Deputy Aleksander Kropiwnicki
It was an amazing Friday night for Polish residents in Kenya during their National day celebration.

To mark the occasion, the Polish Embassy set a reception inviting both African and European nationals to mingle a few weeks back.

Polish Ambassador Marek Ziolkowski had the privilege to host at his residence along Muthaiga drive through glamorous delicacies and varieties of wine.
Closer to his heart, It was his first grande event since he relocated to the country from August last year.
But, the event was more than just a celebration. The aim was to organise and invite countries with little European connection.

At least 40 Ambassadors and representatives from different Nationalities graced the event including: South Africa,Netherlands,Pakistan,Algeria,Ukraine,Ethiopia,Sudan among other seniors.

In recent months European Nations have proposed major topics of discussions for their upcoming Congress this May. " The main topic this year is "Cooperation with African countries". We plan to organise Eight business men from Kenya,Rwanda and Tanzania to represent these countries for the congress." said Amb. Ziolkowski.

Nevertheless, Kenya receives over 1000 Polish tourist  twice a week. They access direct flights to Mombasa in high peak seasons. He added ,"We aim to extend our relationship with these countries and Poland.This was an exotic event for Kenyans."

However he mentioned on the new government stating. "The new government should observe ranking indicators and improve in the necessary changes such as economy and corruption." he concluded.

Visible kenyan representatives at the scene were Isaiah Kiplagat and his wife (TJRC) and Phillda Njau (Paa Ya Paa ). 


Dr Ulf  Vierke shows one of paintings from Nsukka  Art school in Nigeria
Art lovers can relate with Nigerian art historically, showcased at the Goethe Institute for one more week.

Nsukka Art school from Nigeria, has a 30 year collection of drawings and poetry synchronizing the feel of political, economic and social  injustices.

Kenya is the first in East Africa to witness a new look to the pieces done back in the 80's. Hereafter the tours next stop will be Uganda.

In a theme dubbed the Poetic Line, the exhibition was opened  a few weeks back courtesy of Iwalewa-Haus Bayreuth from Germany in cooperation with Goethe.

Guests look through art by Nsukka School
At the opening it was a spectacular ambiance, as the lighting was specific to each section.

The white walls attracted neat art lovers to grace through the pieces in a story line. It leads from the first to fifth generation of the Art school.

The curator Ulf Vierke confessed," The art links to the sad story of Biafra War in Nigeria. Its brutality in the 80's made people lost in the past with an interest to find optimism."

However, it showcases only three of the traditionally famed Nigerian artists . El Anatsui,Obiora Udechukwu and Olu Oguibe ,link the past and present with a section of their poetry as side bars on the drawings.

As one walks past these drawings, its evident they adopt European media! They use pen, brush,ink ,silkscreen and arching ( needle use on a metal plate).

In a calligraphic representation of poetry,  Kenya's Gor Soudan and Solo 7 filled the exhibition walls in writing. 

Ironically, the event had few Nigerians and more of locals who were curious to embrace their art. Poetic line will be open from 1 to 6 pm.
Goethe Institute Director Johannes Hossfeld (left) receives a book with 12 poems by Chinua Acebe  titled " Zwolf Gedicte" from Curators Katharina Graven (centre), Dr. Ulf Vierke (right)


 It was an hour of insight,watching a documentation about massive slavery in Africa.

At the opening,  ‘Slave Routes: A Global Vision’ was showcased at Alliance Francaise .Hundreds of scholars,researchers and activists were enlightened through a photographic film directed by Sheila Walker and Georges Collinet.
While  celebrating the French National Day two weeks ago , UNESCO merged with Alliance Francaise to showcase a photo exhibition dubbed 'Lest we forget: Triumph over slavery'.

By 31st May, the exhibition will hit its last show and head over to Mombasa. The town is well known for its rich and indepth storyline of slavery.

The documentary made an overview of the massive deportation of African populations to different parts  of the world including the Americas, Europe, the Indian Ocean, the Middle East and Asia.

Interestingly, Government representatives were engaged in a debate shortly after the documentary, on how to tackle modern day slavery such as Human trafficking.

Guests were hosted to french delights, drinks and Afro jazz music by Radi band.

The exhibition has tremendous photos on display with an inspiring look at the cultural, political, economic and social practices enslaved in Africans while enduring the dehumanizing conditions of slavery.

Delighted at the scene were Mr.Radoslaw Malinowski,Director of ( HAART), Sr. Maggi Kenedy HAART lecturer, UNESCO Director Mohamed Djelid,Director of Minsitry of National Heritage Wenslas Ong'ayo'ogw .

Thursday 4 April 2013

Shikow FemiOne ft. Dimples - Alejandro with lyrics

It all begins with the ladies watching soap operas. Then flows a magical feeling of excitement and desire for that perfect prince and life ever after in a castle.

Kenya's latest hip hop song Alejandro by Shikow and Dimples, critics the probability of fairytales in classic use of Sheng .

That's not enough, girls go extra miles to develop unrealistic lists for their ideal man. Lavish lifestyles, Romance and anything materialistic becomes their minimum expectations from men.

In search for the ideal man, they experience false lifestyles which ends all too soon. The song depicts the image of a  man who barely pays his own bills but depend-ends on relatives, his mother! With a borrowed roof over his head and unsustainable income, the man still makes women believe he is the ideal guy by faking his status.

The song Alejandro, is a name all to familiar and common with Mexican soaps. Female rapper Shikow,  works her way through realities in the song featuring soul foul Dimples.

The song not only makes humor of women but describes humiliating extremes of men  and what they go through to prove they are 'romantic'.  Parts of the story gives nitty gritty details of how guys borrow their bosses car ,pretending to be in ownership!

It's a diss song for both men and women. Girls should learn all to well to hustle and work hard for their success in life. Boys too should stop making a fool of themselves and focus in life like champions!

Alejandro is real timing, kudos to rapper Shikow FemmiOne!

Click here to watch video Kenya's latest diss song!

Thursday 7 March 2013


Designer Peggy Wambua behind the scenes at launch
When Peggy Wambua dropped a career in the legal field six years ago, she had no clue how far , her fashion empire would be today.

Her job was to assist women in legal affairs on matters pertaining justice in divorce cases.  
 While working then for FIDA,  it became an eye opener that she , could bring change for these women.

Models catwalk LESOH design

Right until the clock of year 2007, the legal field exposed her to new challenges.  She further developed interests to empower women through fashion, which was her hidden passion.

Fighting to balance between her career and her new found passion; she struggled to let loose. She finally quit , exploring her artistic side through garments.
Initially, her steps strutted into Interior decoration before establishing herself as a local Fashion designer.
Today, she sets the pace for female designers in a very challenging industry. She is currently, making an income while mixing creativity for an already identified market. 

Recently, she launched fashion label ‘LESOH’, focusing on wash and wear materials like chiffon and leso all in one.

Still in her early years of youth, she shares her achievements in joy.  
Peggy reflects on the growth of her business which began in the year 2007.  
Model Fauzya,Lesoh designer Peggy and Event planner Cugu
She spoke to Lifestyle during the blissful launch: “I realized most problems faced by women during these cases were economic problems.” she said. 

In a theme dubbed “Unapologetically LESOH” at Palacina , models showcased her unique designs fit for all summer wear locally.
Trendy pieces on tops, skirts, swim wear, trousers and shorts were visibly designed for local leso lovers.

She admits to being a simple designer who dislikes unnecessarily ironing clothes. “The theme markets chiffon and leso as one. It is easy to maintain and does not fade away like other cotton forms.”

Clearly, the material rhymes with those who leave a fast life; willing to just wash and pick the garment later from the line without considering an iron box .

She like to emphasizes her label is intended to empower women through good payment and ‘Ethical living’ concept.

Fauzya models LESOH designs.
Considering majority of participants were women in the show all efforts were paid from: design , tailoring to catwalk. “ Lesoh is about making a difference.” She clarifies.

For her, the export business works well through a vibrant online business.  “ My great response is from USA and Europe markets. This means I do a lot of traveling to continue my marketing.” She explains.

The business has never depended on local market; this would require a location in anticipation of constant buyers.
But , LESOH still  sells to the few middle class , who are few in numbers locally.  

According to Peggy, this class books orders from time to time and continues in word of mouth marketing.  “I target them through fashion shows and networks of other designers too.” She smiles.

One has to constantly keep up with trends of time and be above the bar. “ You must be creative and willing to go the extra mile to research.” She reveals.
Noting that most of the textile industry is dead in quality, she prefers to settle in for Rivertex a product of  Moi university.

Detesting on foreign garments flooding the local market: “ Rivertex is made by the local farmer. This is how Lesoh further supports the Ethical living concept.”  She adds.

Her greatest challenge was saving up for capital and dealing with incompetent tailors.
What can she advise aspiring designers  ? “ Always be patient and never give up. The journey is worth the passion.” She concludes.

Thursday 14 February 2013


Two women were arrested and charged for impersonating as police officers with intention to harass and instill fear within Nairobi .

Maureen Wanjiru , 33, and Esther Njeri,43 , jointly with others not before court were set in their own trap for arrest.

They appreared before a Makadara court yesterday and granted a sh 10,000 cash bail .

They denied harassing residents at Kariobangi North with prosecution alleging they presented  false identities  before intimidating Joseph Kimani.

They purpotedly threatened to arrest him if he failed to comply with their requests while claiming to be officers on 2nd February.

The arrest was made promptly after Kimani failed to submit to their threats and requested for proper documentation before raising alarm to fellow residents.

The suspects attempted to escape but were trapped in a goose chase before officers arrived at the scene for investigation.

The cash will be heared on May 9th this year.


A 21 year old househelp was set free by a Makadara court after
threatening to stab her deaf employer  within Nairobi.

Esther Goretti affirmed to pointing a knife at her employer over a
three month arrears at their residence in Pangani, starehe district.

Goretti told the court she was frustrated when her deaf employer
,Grace Kibunja was unable to pay her before she traveled out of town for over a month.

She pleaded guilty to charges of creating disturbance yesterday and was conditionally discharged under section 35 (1) of the penal code.

Prosecution had records of disturbing text messages back to front. The texts exposed how they fought over payment.

When her employer returned from a long trip on 1st February she instantly jumped on her neck pointing a knife at her . Kibunja ran out of the house  mimicking for help while carrying her child.

This exposed they question of language barrier. Her deaf employer would communicate in sign language through a translator.

She risked facing at least two years imprisonment for the offence


Wyre the “Love child” and Ian, choreographer recently went all
sensitive during a Moi University beauty pageant for peace.

The Nairobi campus held its first memorable beauty peagant with  over
1000 guests at Charter hall.

Wyre spoke on necessity for stability before the stage performance, in
a theme dubbed “ Modelling for  Peace.”

He told ZuQka in a press interview “ I hope everyone maintains peace and focus on this year’s election.” However, a male fan nearly stole the show, when he repeatedly jumped on stage for a hug.

But as Wyre politely shoved him away with cues of irritation; Ian bluntly followed the fan off stage in mid performance, as a sign of warning.
Mr Moi University 2013 Naftalia

Students separated the two before bouncers whisked the fan away.
Students Entertainment Manager, Dennis Katei  said “ The fan is not a
student at this institution. Guests were invited from outside and its
hard to identify with this large numbers.”

But beyond the action, at a few minutes past midnight, crowned winners
were Miss. Lilian Mugo and Mr. Naftali Muru .  They are expected to
make tours to hot spots before the coming elections.


Celebs on Auction
Names of fame in the entertainment industry gathered  recently during a Cancer charity party held at Alfajiri.

The event dubbed 'Having fun with cancer'  at Alfajiri, saw local female celebs show support for three cancer survivors, offering themselves for auction.
 Yes, Kaz, Patriciah Kihoro,Edith Kimani, Mumbi Kaigwa and Fena were on the list for “sale” . Humor  was on the relative price tags, ranging from sh 100 to 1000 USD (sh 85,000)!

The highest bidders were satisfied to have their pockets buy a date and possibly more.

But all this was for a good cause,through Eddah’s Hope Cancer Foundation various medical expenses are required to support cancer warriors: Caroline Mugute,Kazungu and Josephine Kabue as they aim  to
raise sh 3,000,000.

Cancer Survivor,Josephine

Guests had fun dancing to music mixed by six different DJ's from 2pm to midnight.

Unfortunately,one of the survivors Kazungu was absent from the cheerful event due to uncleared medical bills and had to remain in hospital.

Apart from all the fun shared these celebrities spoke on 10 different types of cancer.


Esther Passaris, recently showcased her fashionable side, in a trendy cat walk during a local designers event.

The Contestant for Nairobi Women's representative seat, took her precious time to stroll down the red carpet at Kikwetu lounge within CBD.

Organized by Fashion house insomnia last Friday, the theme was "Fish and Bow ties. Youths cheered to her confidence, accompanied with her musician daughter 'Makena' at the venue a few minutes past 10 pm.
She told Word is that her fashion interests began as early as high school." Kenyans have so much potential with fashion it can drive amazing enterprise. Why cant deacons have their own section of Local brands and designers?" she emphasised.

Before Passaris, took her steps to model she responded to five questions from the audience.
One required her clarification, on why she would be the ideal candidate for the seat despite the vague incident with 'Adopt a light'.

She detested accusations of being powerless and instead requested for support to reduce embezzlement of funds especially in the youth and enterprise sectors.

Friday 25 January 2013


Lead actress Susan Wanjiru,Director Judy Kibinge and Lead actor Walter Lagat
Local film production Something Necessary recently steered a beautiful premier at the Junction with cinemas overflowing from excited Kenyans.
Producers Guy Wilson, Marie Steinhanman-Tykwer and Rosh Khodabakhsh  collaborated with Kenyas finest Film director Judy Kibinge for a successful production which began casting in 2011.
Hundreds of celebrities and guests turned out to watch the eighty five minute film .But later , this flowed through a sad ambience of past memories.
As we gear into general elections the film  popped up just in time to warn Kenyans. The ending is halted with suspense  and  unedited news clips of real images in 2007/ 2008 violence.
Lead cast and crew at Something Necessary Premier

The Eighty five minute film is a co production of a local company, Ginger Ink films and Germany company, One fine day films.

According to Judy Kibinge, “ It’s a reflection that we choose how our ending flows. We should put a mirror on our faces and stop closing our eyes. We should move forward and not choose violence.”
Acting family Ann Kimani, Walter lagat and Benjamin lagat
In addition , for the first time a production gave opportunity to new faces on screen, brewing new talent on cast. Role played as Anne by Susan Wanjiru was a testimony of first screen appearance from a previous career of an accountant.
Role played as Joseph by Walter lagat , exposes the 24 year old fortune into screen play from playing once on stage.
According to the Director,Judy Kibinge " These new faces enhanced honesty and delivered their roles well. I work with cast according to the character on demand."  Eddie Kimani and Nini Wacera were the only familiar faces on set.
Nairobi Half life actor Joseph Wairimu
Among the guests were KFC CEO Peter Muite, Eric Wainaina and his lovely wife Sheba hirst, Lorna Irungu, Nairobi half life cast Olwenya and James Wairimu,Nina Ogot, Just a band and Onesmus.

Parting words by a touched Lorna Irungu was "We have  unresolved endings we need to choose our ending. It is really necessary."

For local film supporters, it will continue to showcase in February at no less than sh 400.

Photos Courtesy: Moses Matiba

Sunday 20 January 2013


A 30 year old mother confessed to possessing marijuana with the intention of
feeding her baby boy.

Tabitha Teresia told a Makadara court yesterday, that she bought one roll of bhang inorder to cure her child who was suffering from measles.

She was arrested  at her  house in Ruai , just a few moments after shopping for the drug from Ruai shopping centre  within Njiru district.

Police on patrol were tipped off at the center and stormed to search her house. They found it hidden in the bedroom between mattress and escorted her to Ruai station.

She was charged for being in possession of bhang, which was not in medicinal preparation. The offence has a punishable sentence with a minimum of 12 months imprisonment.

In defense and mitigation she said “ I was told bhang is a cure for the disease. I wanted to boil the leaves in strong tea and feed my child to get well.”

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello, disappointed wither her confession said  her case will be reviewed next week.

The court will make the judgment after a probation officers report is produced on 22 nd of January.


A case involving a Senior Officer who was assaulted after a trafic accident , still awaits judgement since the case began five years ago.
Eliud Muthia Wahome,67, was allegedly assaulted and attacked after causing a trafic accident in October of 2008.

Wahome, a retired Senior Superitendent of Police , instantly affirmed to causing the accident along ring road in Pumwani area.

However, Michael Kariuki ,35 victim of the hit vehicle instantly ambushed the officer causing minor fractures for hospital admission.

Kariuki allegedley pinned down Wahome to the bonnet of his car and wrapped his arm to his back inorder to posses the officers gun.
 According to investigation reports ,Kariuki mockingly pointed the gun to the officers head saying " sasa enda kule ulikuwa unaenda."

It was until later, that trafic officers intervened and resolved the dramatic tension at about 8pm.
Although Kariuki was arrested a month later and denied the charges, he manged to secure a sh 10,000 cash bail inorder to proceed with the case away from custody.

Wahome experienced a number of medical xrays and hospital admission before reporting the assault charges dated for November 5th of 2008.
The case has recorded at least 25 hearing and mention dates and awaits judgement this month.