
Monday 26 November 2012


A man accused of stealing motor parts valued at sh 1.2 million
 from Makadara MP Mike Mbuvi  Sonko matatus will remain
 in custody for one more day.

This is due to a misplaced file having failed submission before
 court at the time of plea proceedings.
The suspect has been in custody for atleast five days but
will wait until the court can retrieve the file with detailed facts.

The file has detailed facts accusing  Samson Ochieng on three more charges of stealing  motor vehicles parts from two different owners and attempting to escape police custody at buru buru station.

He was accused of stealing numerous motor starters and alternaters amounting to 1,245,000 belonging to three different owners including MP Mike Sonko.

The suspect was accused of stealing from six different matatus of Isuzu make belonging to MP Mbuvi. The charge alleges that Ochieng took Six starters and six alternators on October 23 rd last month
 amounting to sh 1,200,000.

Yesterday, Ochieng denied all charges but confessed to being in possession of only two starters placed as exhibits in police station.

Prosecution applied for his custody inorder to retrieve the file with detailed facts  in the case.

Before the court could proceed further , Ochieng stated torture allegations in the cells claiming that an officer used a metal rod to hit his spine and other body parts .

He described to the court a grim incident of the assault and explained that the result of injury made it impossible to attempt any escape from police custody.

R.M Magistrate Esther Nyongesa  requested for the officers tag number and summoned for appearance in court.

The case will be mentioned on November 27  th  inorder for exhibits to be arraigned before the Makadara court.

Thursday 22 November 2012


A  fraud case involving a  Dutch National  in a sh 5.4 million worth of flowers, has been postponed with a date set after next years general election.
The case began after Elroy Kraneveld was arrested at JKIA  as he was leaving for Netherlands on March 30th this year.

The 41 year old businessman was charged before a Makadara court for falsely pretending he would pay  about  232,720 stems of Rose flowers supplied by a farmer from Kinangop.

Before his arrest the suspect was listed as "wanted" and  Office of Immigration was alerted through a letter from the Criminal Investigations Department.

The letter indicated events of the fraud case alleged to have been committed on diverse dates of March 1st and 31st May of 2011. Kranveld was accused of obtaining the Rose flowers valued at sh 5.4 million.

The court detained his travel documents but he managed to secure a sh 3 million cash bail  to proceed with the case away from remand custody.

Prosecutor Leonard Kurgat brought forward at-least 9 exhibits in the case,where two witness testified by yesterday.
Kurgat objected to the defense lawyers application to handle the case after six months. But the lawyer insisted the exhibits in court were new and would require at-least two full days to cross examine in the case.

One of the witnesses produced documents citing a business agreement indicating Kranvelds interests to export the flowers to Holland on behalf of Multi Grow Investments limited.

The court heared that Kranveld began packaging and exporting the flowers from Kenya in October 2010.

The court heared that two of the remaining witnesses will be campaigning for political posts and will be occupied until after next years general elections.

Other documents of email were produced showing detailed communication between the suspect and the company in flower business.

Senior Principal Magsitrate Timothy Okello said the case will be heard on March 18th and 19th of 2013 next year.

Tuesday 20 November 2012


A 34 year old man was yesterday charged for threatening to kill his 59 year old father within Nairobi.

Peter Gachuha remains in custody since his arrest over the weekend charged for creating disturbance.

He was arrested and found with a kitchen knife that he used to threat his father with in the night of 17th November .

Although prosecution claimed to readily avail the knife as an exhibit, he denied the count before a Makadara court.

He allegedly stormed into the house in a drunken stouper and attacked his father for failing to give him money for alcohol at Mwiki area in Kayole.

Gachuha took the knife and threatened to stab his father  before he managed to find an escape root to Mwiki police station.

He was granted a cash bail of sh 2000 . The case will be heard on March 21st next year.


A man who confessed to possessing marijuana has one week to convince a court that he should not be sentenced to one year imprisonment.

Peter Karanja Mwangi affirmed to a court that he was caught with 7 rolls of bhang worth sh 70.

The substance which was not in medicinal form obliged officers to arrest him on Saturday November 17th at Gikomba market.

Coincidentally officers were at his rescue as he was also being attacked by a mob for suspicion of stealing within the same market.

 Karanja told the Makadara court that he abused the susbtance due to his nature of hard labor and waking up to odd jobs on a daily basis.

The court requested for a probation officers report on the 26th of November .

If he fails to appeal through good conduct he risks facing up to 12 months imprisonment for possessing bhang.

Monday 19 November 2012


A warrant of arrest has been issued against a doctor for failing to
appear in court on several instances to testify in a case of sodomy.

The case has accused a 43 year old father of sodomizing his seven year
old son four years ago .

The  Makadara court declare that yesterday was its last adjournment and expected was slowed down by the doctors requirement to testify.

The case which began in the year 2009 has seen atleast 17 hearing
dates of which the doctor from Nairobi Womens hospital has failed to
appear before the court despite being bonded seeverally.

Prosecutor Leonard Kurgat applied for the doctors arrest saying " Your
honor the doctor does not take the court seriously and has shown
disrespect to the case."

The case has prosecuted the boys father on two counts that of
sodomising with an alternative of indecent touching him on diverse
dates between 10th and 29th July of 2009.

He was arrested when a female neighbour at Korogocho area, noticed the
boy had a strange walk in the morning of 29th July in 2009.

The boy confessed to the woman that her father had been sodomising him
in the night for at least three months in a raw.

Medical records from the same hospital indicate the child was sexually
violated and had assault wounds in his private parts.

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello obliged to application made
by prosecution for the doctors arrest where the Muthangari OCS is set
to effect the orders.

So far atleast three witnesses were listed whereby the Doctors
response had caused a delay.

The case will be heared on November 21st.


A nineteen year old stripper  yesterday denied attacking and injuring her mother after a drunk confrontation  from a night of clubbing.

The teenager was accused of using a stool to hit her mothers head before uprooting her hair and biting bother hands.

Martha Wanjiku was charged for assaulting her 50 year old mother and causing her to sustain injuries of actual body harm on 12th November.

She appeared before a Makadara court with an additional count of  maliciously damaging her mothers television set  worth sh 4,900.

During the 5.30am incident drama began when Wanjiku burged into her mothers house insisting she needed to speak to her sister on mobile since her phone was stolen. But her mother cautioned that her phone died off.

She instantly began accusing her mother for neglecting her 3 year old child  claiming she was not responsible to assist her with proper baby sitting while she runs to her nightlife.

Neighbors resisted intervening since they "fear wanjiku's association with rough men."

After several sirens, relatives arrived at the scene to save Wanjikus mother.

She was rushed  to hospital and reported the incident at Huruma station. The court granted her  yesterday a cash bail of sh 5,000.

If her mother fails to reconcile and Wanjiku is found guilty she risks a minimum of 10 years imprisonment.

The case will be heared on March 23rd next year.

Thursday 15 November 2012


Seven rights activist arrested for demonstrating within Mathare area
four are now able to proceed with their case away from remand custody.

They were arrested upon a march against insecurity in the area and
accused on  four  fresh charges before a Makadara court.

Female rights activist was among the suspects who pleaded not guilty
to the new charges.
This is the recent court appearance she makes within the same month
accumulating to seven court cases with her name.

These four recent counts include disorderly conduct in a police
building,creating disturbance,improper use of telecommunication system
such as 'irritating' Huruma OCS through text messages and obstructing
a police officer.

Karores's allegation of torture in cells led the court to summons for
arresting officers to answer in a later date of mention.

According to credible sources yesterday, her gun shot wounds were
treated with assistance from IMLU, a local NGO that responds to
torture incidents.

Further summons were to enquire whether the officers obtained their
communication devices and personal belongings, as well as being held
at starehe station in incommunicado.

Their court cases sprang after their protest on insecurity in mathare,
where two residents were killed by criminals in the wee hours of the
night about four weeks ago.

  Fortunatelythe court granted all seven a cash bail amounting to sh 350,000.

Their cases will be heared on the same date of February 8th next year.


The case involving an Egyptian couple accused of defrauding over  8 million shillings worth of medicines made developments with a fresh exhibit introduced in the case just before the ruling.

The last of the three witnesses finally testified in the case that began at Makadara court in August this year.

Mohammed Mahmoud and his wife Amira haroon were accused of obtaining on credit various assorted pharmaceutical supplies worth sh 8,233,355.75 from Saicare Enterprises Alpha centre along mombasa road.

Between 2nd April and 9th July this year the couple obtained medicines in the pretence they would pay, contrary to section 316 (a) of the penal code.

Furthermore, the couple allegedly returned over 397,500 medicines to
Saicare Enterprises without a guarantee of its quality.

The last witness told the court investigations proved the couple was
unwilling to pay for the medicines , since the drawers of the sh 3.8
million bounced cheques told their banks not to allow the transactions.

Yesterday was the last hearing as the new exhibit , a typed letter was
filed in court.The exhibit was the third , including several invoices
and records of bad cheques previously debated in the same court.

The document was written by the suspects lawyer on November 1st this month. It exposed the couples willingness to settle the case on fraud allegations outside court but intend to further sue the complainant
about sh 50,000,000 because of  damages dragged through rigorous court process and humiliation at large.

However, the letter was viewed as a form of "confession"  and "intimidation" as it partly read "......clients are amicable to settlement if you withdraw your complaint and admit liability for the process..."

The letter further specified "...our clients will look to you for damages in the sum of 50 million less the sum of due to you as per the invoices. If this is agreeable to you we are prepared to close the case on the next court appearance...."

Fortunatelythe couple is able to proceed with the case away from
custody with a sh 250,000 cash bail each.

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello said the ruling will be for
November 23rd this month.

Wednesday 7 November 2012


A Man admitted his intentions to defraud off a business woman sh 1.6
million within Nairobi.

Samuel Njoroge 44, confessed before a Makadara court that he pretended
to be in the position to sell a parcel of land to her in Dandora.

He was charged jointly with others not before court for obtaining
money in false pretense on 24th of september this year.

However before the court could conclude to its ruling, the case was
set for a later date after the man admitted to facts read aloud by

He affirmed to prosecution when read in court that he intended to
defraud Emily Wangari of sh 1,600,000 at Mungulla Advocate City Hall
in Nairobi.

He falsely portrayed the ability to sell plot number 992 in
Dandora phase one, contrary to section 313 of the penal code.

The case will require relevant exhibits and documents before the
Magistrate. Prosecution applied for a mention date set this month on
November 11 th.

The man was arrested a month later on 29th October of last month and
has been in custody .

Thursday 1 November 2012


A case which has accused an Egyptian couple of defrauding over sh 8,000,000 million  worth of medicines awaits for one more witness before the court can make its judgement.

Atleast two of three listed  witnesses testified against the couple by yesterday.

Mohammed Mahmoud and his wife Amira haroon were accused of obtaining on credit various assorted pharmaceutical supplies worth sh 8,233,355.75 from Saicare Enterprises Alpha centre along mombasa road.

The first witness who is also the business owner, confirmed to the court with bank statements that they were sent over sh 3.8 million bounced cheques.

Between 2nd April and 9th July this year the couple obtained medicines in the pretence they would pay, contrary to section 316 (a) of the penal code.

The second witness declared that the couple were active and frequent medicine buyers for the past four years.

The court heared that Saicare Enterprises allow goods on credit but on short agreements of either 30, 60 and 90 days but the couple failed to fulfil their part.

Instead the the couple returned over 397,500 medicines to Saicare Enterprises without a guarentee of its quality.

Before the court could proceed Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello received the suspects travel documents as a guarentee of  their court attendance since each was out on a sh 250 cash bail.

According to a credible source the husband isaid to be a doctor and currently connected to the Kenya Medical practitioners board.

Inaddition they are facing other allegations of such offences before the Makdara court.

The final witness in the case will be heared  next week on November 8 .


A case involving assault  charges over two fighting neighbors was yesterday dismissed and withdrawn from court.

A makadara court released a 29 year old woman , accused of attacking her female neighbour in Kayole early this year.

Alice Wanjiku was released when the complainant in the case was absent from court despite being bonded.

She allegedley attacked her female neighbour on 29th March causing bodily harm and injuries on her chest and stomach.

The attacked was triggered when Wanjiku was poured on water early in the the morning on her way to work at 10 am.

Upon her arrest on the same day, she secured her freedom in a sh 20,000 cash bail.

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello said the case was withdrawn under secton 202 of the cpc act.


A watchman denied two different counts of sexually violating a nine year old girl during school holidays.

Benard Njogu ,25, denied raping and indecently touching the minors body parts on August 31st last month.

He allegedly gagged the girl,tied and strapped her arms to the back of her body at about 7pm as she sat outside their house in Sunton estate, Kasarani.

She had not suspected his intention when he volunteered to keep her company outside their house on that night.

Consequently, the offense occurred in a series of hours from around 7 pm when he dragged her to the back of a dark building that was under construction.

Three months after the incident , he was arrested and identified as the guard of the unfinished building where the offence took place.

He was charged for intentional defilement and indecent touching before a Makadara court.

Medical reports established the minor was sexually abused and is yet to face therapy sessions.

The suspect remains in custody after failing to secure a heavy bond of over sh 100,000.

If found guilty he will serve more than 20 years imprisonment .

The case will be heared on 19th  February next year.