
Friday 31 August 2012


Three security guards remain in custody after failing to prevent the disappearance of a car valued at four million shillings within Nairobi.

The vehicle went disapearing at a residence within 24 hours of their operations and first report to duty in the night of August 24th.

Godfrey Okurmu, Dennies Mokora and Emmanuel Opili all denied  two charges before a court but failed to secure their freedom.

 All aged in their early 20's, were charged for stealing a motor vehicle of number plate T628ACS  and failing to prevent the felony at Diamond Park Estate in South B.

The car was parked in the evening and the owner retired to bed. When he woke-up the following morning for work his Toyota Landcruiser make was missing from the car park with no explanation.

They were accused of negligently failing to prevent the crime and thereby suspected of stealing the vehicle.

They remain in custody despite each being granted a cash bail of 200,000 each with an alternative bond of sh 800,000 each.

R.M Esther Nyongesa said the case will be heared on 15th October this year.


Two men risk a 12 month jail sentence after confessing before a court their intentions of stealing metal structures within Nairobi.

Tom Akisa and Francis Ruto gave details of how the intended to escape fixed metal and iron bars structures from a company in Ruaraka.

They told the court how they timed wee hours of August 24th before approaching the area which had a house demolished and left unattended.

They uncrewed the metals that formed strong structures of the housing, property of Ruaraka Logistics.

Police on patrol noted unusual sounds in the area and found the two in action. They were arrested after a goose chase and produced before court for preparing to commit a felony with the spanner as exhibit.

In mitigation they confessed intending to sell the metal to an identified and ready market in the city in desperate need of money to support  family. 

Before Resident Magsitrate Esther Nyongesa could read her ruling, an amendment on their charge was made by the prosecutor. The amendment was to be followed in pursuit of the appropriate sentence.

They were treated as first offenders with a fine option of sh 25,000 or 12 months imprisonment. They have 14 days to oblige to the court.

Tuesday 28 August 2012


A Taxi driver was sentenced to seven year’s imprisonment after assaulting a man  and  causing him to sustain serious injuries within Nairobi.

Alberto Mwanzia was convicted on his own plea of guilty and confessed before a court that he used a wheel spanner to attack his victim.

The drama occurred after a confrontation in Zimmerman Estate, when he packed his car at the entrance of butchery.

Mwanzia ,26, stalled his car for almost six hours blocking clients from accessing the butchery belonging to Paul Njeri on 14  th of August.

Paul had been trying to contact the taxi driver since 8.00 am. The driver ignored repeated requests to move his car and eventually switched off his phone until midday when he returned.

Mwanzia found all his car tyres flattened and stormed into the butchery. He took about 30kgs of meat from the counter and threw them to the ground. The meat valued at ks 13,000 was wasted as no clients
could buy.

He hysterically attacked Paul causing him to sustain injuries on the head, left shoulder and the back, contrary to section 251 of the penal code.

Mwanzia pleaded guilty to charges of assault, causing actual bodily harm before a Makadara court. After the charges were read aloud in court he made no response to his chance of mitigation.

Magistrate Esther Nyongesa warned him that the offense was a seven year sentence. However, he showed no signs of remorse and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment without an option of a fine.

The court heard that he was a first time offender with no past records of crime . He remains in custody since his arrest over the weekend as an example to future offenders.

Thursday 2 August 2012


A 32 year old man was accused of robbing off a couple during a date and raping the female partner within Eastlands.

The suspect seperated the couple while using dangerous weapons at a bush in  Mwiki within Kayole Division.

He was identified by the rape victim before a police parade of suspects at Kayole police station.

Gilbert Muigai was charged jointly with others not before court on three different counts.

He was accused of using violence to steal valuables and cash worth sh 17,000 on 14th June last month from both partners.

He was further identified as a rape suspect by the victim. She claimed his identity was visible as he had no mask during the rape ordeal.

On the said evening the couple took a walk from 6.00pm.When they passed a nearby bush a gang of about four men jumped out and surrounded them. They separated her boyfriend and tied him up after stripping him naked.

After two hours of the attack, they told the girlfriend to dress and search for her boyfriend in the bush.

Makadara's Senior Resident Magistrate Daniel Kinaro granted him a cash bail of sh 300,000.

The case will be heared on November 26th this year.


Two men have been charged with forging documents of  the Kenya National Examination council with intent to deceive a GSU training school within Nairobi.

Mwongela Muthoka 27 and Chege Mercy Mbuthia 25 had been recruited for training at the school early last year until KNEC sited their certificates as fake documents.

According to prosecution the council wrote a letter on July 29th last year and addressed to the commissioner of Police on the verification of the two suspects.

They were charged on two counts of forgery and making a document without legal authority before a Makadara court.

The the court was cautioned of similar cases involved with the two beginning early 2011. Mwongela yesterday denied the charges days after the case was consolidated with Mbuthia's case.

Mwongela  was arrested on July 27th this month by officers from Embakasi station. He allegedly made an unreferenced forwarding letter addressed to the commandant of the training school using KNEC letter heads, address and signature.

He is accused of jointly  without others not before court for writting a letter to the Commissioner of police stating that KNEC erroneously sited his documents as fake. The forged letter that was sent on 22nd July last year, further requested to reinstate the accused to the college after verifications .

At a place and date yet to be identified by the court, he purported the letter to be genuine from the council, contrary to section 357 of the penal code.

SRM Daniel Kinaro gave orders for the Investigating officer to confirm accusations of the two suspects facing several and similar cases.

They remain in custody until their previous cases can be confirmed. They were granted a cash bail of sh 50,000 each.