
Thursday 28 June 2012


A University student was charged for openly threatening and abusing his mother over money for breakfast at their home within Nairobi.

A Makadara court heard the student has a history of assault and negligence from his father and required therapy.

The 26 year old student was accused of creating disturbance in a manner likely to cause a breach of peace at their home on  20th June. The incident occurred after he failed to acquire money from his mother at about 9.00am .He told the court he abused her 'Mjinga Wewe' after insisting that he wanted money for breakfast and sh 10 for personal use.

Before the student admitted the charge, his mother stood in court and asked the magistrate to remand him for two more days . She his custody was necessary inorder to facilitate his admission at a rehabilitation center. The mother who is a School teacher explained to court that her sons situation would require psychological attention.

However, District Magistrate Esther Nyongesa objected to her request . She said once the case was dropped it would be against the law to put him in custody. It would become a factors official once the case is withdrawn.

The court heard the student deferred his fourth year examination after was arrested by officers and taken to Industrial area police station for the same offense on January 12th this year.

During a Press interview the mother expressed grief and wished for anonymity . She said her husband neglected her son and was a violent man.  A situation she believes could have led to her sons drug abuse.

The Uncle also spoke to the press and stated that the boy is a very bright student , A material but has been disillusioned by the drugs due to family problems.

The boy remains in custody for a later date of mention this month

Sunday 24 June 2012


Three suspects will remain in police custody for three more days accused of stealing a motor vehicle valued over sh 1,000,000 .

They were arrested last Wednesday by flying squad after the vehicle went missing last month on May 27th .

A Makadara court heard the vehicle has not been recovered to date.The suspects are required to remain in custody at least for three more days to aide investigations.

Simon Nganga,23, Michael Githuku,30 and Teresia Njambi,34  were accused of  stealing a Toyota fielder, registration number KBQ 031A from a car hire company located in West-lands.

They appeared before Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello  yesterday and denied the charges.

An investigating officer  further notified the court that two of the accused have a previous record of crime. Simon Nganga and Teresia Njambi are wanted by Kasarani DCIO for theft of obtaining money by false pretenses. 

The car hire company, Victor Safaris and Tours hired the car out for three days at sh 3,500 each with a signed contract. The suspects convinced the company that a lady by the name 'Phylis wanjiru' was interested in hiring a vehicle but had no driving license. Therefore one of the suspects would be her driver and they all attached coped of their Identification cards.

After a follow up by the company, they realised the vehicle was neglected at a hotel along Thika road. Investigations concluded the said 'Philis Wanjiru' was false and identified as Teresia Njambi.

All labeled as Enterpreneurs, they were charged with theft of a motor vehicle valued at sh 1,050,000 last month,contrary to section 278 of the penal code. 

Prosecution applied for their custody at Kasarani station as flying squad needed to complete investigations . The case will be mentioned on 25th of this month.  

It is thereafter the suspects may submit to a cash bail of sh 150,000 each.

The case will be heard on October 19th this month.

Friday 22 June 2012


International nonprofit partners, the United Nations among other donating organizations have forever doubted the ability of Kenyan NGO’s to show accountability of funds.

Strangely this perception on Kenyan NGO’s is strong, compared to other African countries. It has been ranked as the worlds top 20 corrupt countries.

 Hence, other supportive bodies from the West have found reasons not to trust local Non Profit organizations.

Consequently this has resulted to an increasing number of Western Founders or in senior positions within Kenyan Non- Governmental organizations. By rogue or default they view locals of being ‘corrupt’.
One would wonder why a local NGO is often funded, only when a foreigner is in the Financial or Management department. 

According to observed analysis from local Nonprofits organizations, majority of international bodies which offer support tends to trust their own. This is mainly because the locals here are labeled corrupt or unsustainable. 

However, this notion is negative and the perception of local Nonprofits being corrupt is a terrible mistake.
Children in class at Mogra Centre located along Kiambu road.
According to Founder of Mogra Home, Hannah Wairimu , the same people trusted from the west with funds end up disappointing on accountability and blame it on Local organizations. “If they apply their decisions on who to support on the basis of locals being corrupt, they are mistaken.” She retorts.

Mogra Children’s home is among the few nonprofit organizations in Kenya that have been victims of false corrupt accusations.

The home has seen its fair share of controversies since the year 1998 when it was formed.  At least three foreigners intended to damage the organization’s credibility. 

Last month an Australian female was charged for cheating authorities that Mogra children’s home was mistreating children. 

Brenda Alsop joined the home early 2011 as a volunteer accountant. She allegedly told police that Founders of the home were misusing funds which led to a series of impromptus investigations. 

Police were disappointed after they established the information was malicious and untrue. In addition the Australian did not cooperate during investigations which prompted her arrest.

Located along Kiambu road the home runs a school with over 900 children and 65 staff.  Mostly brought in by social workers from District Officer centers the center caters for children aged between 3 to 18 years.
Mogra Founder, Hannah Wairimu during a press interview.

It was founded together with her husband as a Co-Founder. The have seen Mogra grow to inspire a few into universities , employment and stable lives.

Apart from the recent incident, back in 2009 a British female residing in Kenya misled the organization to an episode of drama. She registered Mogra home in the UK as a different branch. The feeding program stated required Ksh 14,000,000 million (120,000 Pounds).

She had convinced the Management a local and UK partnership would establish a future for the children until she disappeared with the money in 2011. When donors obliged to the budget of the Feeding Program, the children would not access the facilities as stated in the contract.

“We came to realize too late that she was enriching herself by using these helpless children. People need to scrutinize reasons for partnership because some have selfish interests. They say that Africans are thieves and not to be trusted, yet it’s the same foreigners when granted finances have proved to be corrupt.” Says Mogra Co-Founder David Njoroge .

Farming:Part of the sustainability project for the Home.
“When the Briton left with the money the Children starved for a while. Amazingly the organization recuperated through local and international well-wishers.” Wairimu recalls in bitterness.

Aged in her 50’s with mother instincts, her experience resulted into sustainability for the home. Today the children’s home occupies a piece of land with cows producing up to 20 liters a day among other crops for daily consumption.

Despite the challenges and negative experiences with foreigners the road is still on to help the children. “It is like a calling for us .We will continue to do as our vision projects. But if only our own locals would stop dependency syndrome and help more.” Wairimu says.

For her  it’s a lesson well learned , not to trust  people easily. “These are the same people who come to sweep off resources and return to their county to invest because they have limited opportunities in their countries.” She concludes.

Thursday 21 June 2012


Two women have been charged on different counts of forgery,false documents and obtaining money in Nairobi.

The ladies in their twenties denied all three counts before a Makadara court . Eunice Nthambi ,a Marketer and Mary Njeri , a saloonist proceeded to a cash bail of sh 50,000 each.

They were accused of forging a document on 8th June at an unknown place within the republic of Kenya. The document was intended for an Emergency  loan application form  namely Aps Baraka Sacco Society limited.

They jointly purpoted it to be issued by the said sacco with intent to defraud. They were charged with forgery contrary to section 349 of the penal code.

They allegedley handed in a false application intending it for a loan, at Aps Baraka Sacco  Society limited in Nacico plaza on the same day. They were charged with urttering a false document purpoting it to be genuine contrary to section 353 of the penal code.

The attempted to obtain money sh 20,000 with intent to defraud the same Sacco while they knew it was untrue. They intended to defraud by false pretence contrary o section 313 as read with 389 of the penal code.

Nthambi,25 and Njeri, 27 were arrested but released from police custody with a cash bail of sh 10,000.

The case will be heared on September 9th this year.

Monday 18 June 2012


A man accused of raping his daughter for five years was released into freedom after two years of proceeding with the case.

Esau Musau was acquitted under section 210 of the CPC Act on the basis of weak  prosecution .The case was pending since it began at  Makadara courts in the year 2010.

Prosecution stated that he had raped his biological daughter forcing her into an abortion after impregnating her when she was a Standard six student in the year 2007.

When the minor turned 17 years in the year 2010, he was charged for sexually abusing his daughter for an offense that began in the year 2007.

He allegedley violated his 17 year old daughter, while using a Kitchen Knife at their home in Huruma Ngei.
Esau appeared before Resident Magistrate W.Ngumi who read aloud the facts in court to his jubilation of being set free.

Early this year his daughter attacked her outside the Makadara court and fainted minutes later. She was responding to court proceedings that deemed her to be a liar as portrayed by her father and his representative in court.

On January 4th, the minor represented herself in court said it was it was misleading and ingenuine for defense to think that a child would seat down and create such a deep and embarrassing story.
She later attacked her father outside the same court after he confronted her with provocation.

At 19 years old today, the Victim continues to move from school to school with differnet name identitites while seeking counseling over the trauma.

According to the Volunteer Childs Officer John Mbugua the girl is a very intelligent person who scores greatlty both academically and sports. In a press interview he says "We had to transfer her from schools  and change names to secure her identity and saftey."

According to the court, prosecution failed to produce enough evidence to convict the victims father. Her presence in court to frequently testify against the father was limited due to school and studies.


The Mathari Mental hospital has failed to send a medical report to a court two weeks after a man nearly  attacked a Magistrate.

The medical report is supposed to determine weather the man is valid and fit enough to take his plea in court.

Alfred Mwangi still remains in custody without taking his plea for two weeks now.He was cahrged for burning down his mothers house on May 19th with indications of attepted suicide.

The court faild to take his plea when he appeared in court on May 21st  when he jumped from the dock and nearly attacked a Magistrate. He later told the court that he was a patient at Mathari mental hospital and had not taken medication for a while. He further revealed that he was hallucinating and wanted to go for checkup.

Soon after the drama Senior Resident Magistrate Theresia Mwangi said he would have to be escorted to Mathari mental hospital for checkup and a report produced before court.The report would guide the court on weather he would be conscious enough to take his plea.

However, after two mentions the goverment mental hospital has not established Mwangis status to a Makadara court.

During a press interview, Mwangi revealed that he would often see 'ginis'. They would chase him in the size of a pigmie covered in white hijabs.

 He remains in police custody awaiting the medical report inorder to take his plea.

Tuesday 5 June 2012


"I take photos because I adore the art. Honestly it’s not about the money.”  Francis Githinji says with confidence.

Francis Githinji : Founder of  ' Senji Photoz '
Polpularly known as Senji, he states there’s more to pictures than just a click. The young Kenyan photographer reassures that his agenda is to give passion to a still image.

Today, the 25 year old has successfully exposed his knack for photography through social media. Consequently, he has further reinvented the image of Professional photography with creativity through his label dubbed as Senji Photoz.

This artistic Kenyan youth was driven by motion images. It developed his interest to make moments a memorable affair.

My Kenyan Eye caught up with the fast upcoming photographer while doing what he does best, giving a Voice to photos or better known as ‘Swag’.

Through the chat, he describes his production and portrays himself to be humble, yet very sophisticated through his picture collection.

Nevertheless, he did not begin overnight into photography. Francis Githinji studied for Production at the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication and explains further his chosen path in an interview:

Q. Explain the concept of Senji photos: Senji photoz  is mostly networked and shared through Facebook .It’s a channel I use to show case my Photographs and get Ideas on photography through ‘Likes’ and ‘criticism comments’.!/pages/Senji-Photoz/235174503228618

Q. What type of photography do you venture into? I want to major in Studio photography but know am kind of improving my general skills.

 Q. Who is behind Senji Photoz?  Me, but I was supported by my friend Keysmo and now am getting professional help from Cake Mbatia through advice on Strategy. Esther Muriithi contributes in marketing.

Q. How did it start? What inspired u?  It is the opportunity to have the equipment; I have a camera to do both Video and Still photos. I am also good at making music videos and Promotions from my background in school.
I once did a music video and guys liked it, by incident I got to do a wedding photo shoot and people also liked my stuff. But I have always liked movies since way back, so film is my thing and photography is a necessary foundation.

Q. Who does senji photoz target?  And what’s the style of senji photoz?  For now, am just doing human Interest and full establishment, but later on I will be working on a sports Project. I like my photoz with a realistic style of film, But not 3D.

Q. What is different about senji photoz from other photographers? I try to be interesting and real. Not just capturing the moment, but making it memorable. I also contribute alot to Thingithu High school, a school I love. I give them Rugby Jerseys and Boots just to show them that they Can!

Q. Who is behind the camera taking shots?  It is mostly I, Senji. I love Moments and Movie stories. Am not the News type of guy.

Q. So is it right to say that u are a one-off Artistic photographer ? Or the regular type of commercial photographers? I don’t know that. What I know is that am doing this till like am 82years. Then I retire.

Q. Is there a living in photography?  What motivates you to the skill?  Of course there is a living. But there is also fun in it. There is a big chunk of money in Fashion/ design photography too.

Q. Who are your clients or previous projects? I work for House of Grace within Nairobi West Studios, where am learning a lot through Pastor Hez. During weekends I go for photo shoots at corporate events e.g Alabastron and Flame Keepers Publishers. On Mondays, I organize Photo shoots for learning.

 Q. Where do you see Senji photoz in the next five years? In the next 5, 20 and 30 years, I will still be taking photoz. I will venture in a fashion house like Senji fashion Photoz.

Saturday 2 June 2012


An Australian National was charged in a court for giving false information to an officer regarding a Non govermental organisation in Kenya.

Brenda Alsop appeared before a Makadara court for misleading a Police constable to investigate a case that implied children were being mistreated at a Rescue centre along Kiambu road. 

She allegedley lied to the Officer at Kasarani station that children were abused in Mogra Childrens Rescue Centre since she joined the centre as A volunteer Accountant mid last year.

Prosecution states that she intended the officer to use his lawful power to annoy Founder of Mogra Rescue Centre, Hannah Wairimu. After investigations involved with the Ministry of Gender,Children and Social Development the information reported turned to be untrue.

The 58 year old Australian denied a charge of giving false information to a person in the police service, contrary to section 129(b) of the penal code.

Investigations realised that she gave information maliciously on 29th December 2012.  She intended to withdraw the children from the centre in Kiambu to her new found Non Govermental Organisation. She further intended to poach employees from the rescue centre to her organisation.

According to a press interview with a Co founder of the Organisation that was falsely accused  says, the incident paints a bad picture of local  NGO's internationally.

Alsop was arrested on 30th May and escorted to Kasarani station but released on a police bond of sh 10,000.

However,Prosecutor Leonard Kurgat objected a cash bail application due to her foreign status. He further objected the proposal from her representative that she had a Kenyan work permit supposed to expire on 2015, until produced before court.

Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello granted her a bond of sh 100,000 with a Kenyan sureity of similar amount. He ordered for the accused to be furnisehd with copies of court documents in the case.