
Thursday 29 March 2012


Hurray! So Tullow Company has discovered oil in the least expected regions of Northern Kenya, Turkana. 

Off course the stereotype text messages filled with wit and humor begin to circulate that, “Tribe X migrated many years ago from Turkana because of drought. Today tribe X would want to relocate back and claim their rightfully owned territory.”

But will this discovery further separate Kenyans from Nationalism and unity? Such text messages are bound to generate ideas of territory boundaries, that certain tribes are opportunists and should be restricted from the Northern zone.

Alert to all ! This could be that perfect moment for Western countries to stir war between Kenyans themselves or between Kenya and her neighbors.  May the bravest leader save Kenya from being the next Muppet for foreign States. Save this nation from own imprisonment caused by her resources and wealth.

No wonder an year before this oil ‘discovery’ announcement, the country has experienced so much internal and external friction related to peace and stability.

An obvious example is the pressure to start war with Somalia or Alshabaab militia. What is the countries escape route when things get worse? When poor Kenyans will not afford the next plane ticket or bus ticket to the nearest country?  

The thing is, this discovery was established over a Decade ago during Former President Moi’s era. That’s why when western countries enter a region to form partnerships and promising development, they are way ahead with high profile information about that country and its relevance to their commitment. 

Labeling developed countries as ‘Opportunists’ is an understatement, since they clearly know there is nothing for free. But they will ‘pay’ you through donations and signed agreements for your countries ignorance in self-development, unexploited expertise, overdependence syndrome among other national diseases embedded from individuals in government.

Now that oil is here, it’s good to look through all the above challenges and project antigens for solutions.
Nevertheless, it is wise to make hay while the sun shines. All those youths seated in jobless corner, there go business opportunities for you. Relocate like yesterday!

Go to Turkana or other towns around there, because the region will be filled with demand and supply principals as the zone gets busy with development. Do not be intimidated if you are ridiculed that you are from a particular tribe, go make ends meet by all means.

I am optimistic that this venture will relieve starved mothers, children and men crying because of hunger. Women and men will facilitate family businesses and rightfully charge visitors or tourists for occupying their land, over business ventures.

Hopefully, this will motivate the area Constituency Development Fund to transparently account for its expenses. It is mandatory for development to draw an upward curve in a graph with increased population and opportunities. 

Those children will be eager to go to school, cure  illnesses as Doctors and return back to their oil Centre as Engineers, researchers, CEO’s, Specialists among all forces required to make that sale of an oil drop.
Let’s not misuse this opportunity for Politics, Tribalism, Enemity or irrelevant Controversy as will be experienced in the coming months and years.

It’s also a reminder that God restores relevance in zones that have the least hope. In the future it might be the richest town in East Africa.

Let us make this discovery work for Us, Our Future and Economy. (‘We’ are the proper Nouns).

Article: Opinion .

Monday 26 March 2012


A Nakuru Magistrate appeared before a court yesterday on two different charges of crime and traffic misconduct.

Gerald Muna Mutiso,37, denied both counts before a Makadara court and stood to his own defense.

On the first count, he was accused of willfully obstructing a female police officer on 25 th March along Jogoo road,contrary to section 254 of the penal code.

At about 4.30 pm he allegedly obstructed Ann Kinya while she was executing her duty and further caused indecent assault, upon resisting arrest from officers at the scene.

On the second count, he was accused of careless driving by hitting a lorry and  damaging its right bumper , contrary to section 4 of the traffic act.

On the same day along Jogoo road at Donholm round about he drove carelessly without  care and attention while using a Toyota fielder  registration number  KBQ 948T.

The Nakuru magistrate made several accusations and applications before Senior Principal Magistrate Timothy Okello .

While standing in the dock he told the court that he lost sh 100,000 from his motor vehicle and lost specially designed spectacles on the date of his arrest.

"I told the officer in charge to let me take my money but I was bundled into the boot of a police vehicle.My money is missing." Mutiso said while struggling to make eye visible contact in the court.

He complained that the Buru Buru OCS detained him and denied him medical attention and cash bail despite being assaulted by officers in cell. He also accused the OCS for retaining his personal luggage that was stocked at the boot of his motor vehicle.

He further told the court that an Investigating Officer denied him the right to write a statement upon his arrest and was denied access to court files." Your honor i was also warned by officers that i would be killed if i mentioned these complaints in court."  he said.

He finally applied for a P3 form, reasonable cash bail and documentary evidence. He directly gave cash from the dock to officers in court, to ensure he was supplied with copies of the witness statements and other documents used in court.

Chief Prosecutor Leonard Kurgat said the Magistrate was making serious allegations and was ready to proceed with the case today.

However, Magistrate Mutiso declined and requested to have the case mentioned next week on 5th April to clarify his details.

SPM Okello yesterday summoned Buru Buru OCS,Investigating officer and Arresting officers to appear in court next week on the mention date to answer the above allegations.

He was granted a cash bail of sh 10,000 for obstructing and sh 5,000 for traffic offense.

The traffic case will proceed on 8th May this year,the police file is yet to appear in court.

Friday 23 March 2012


At least 3 people died in a fire incident that saw over 500 houses
burnt to ashes within Mathare area 10.

Yesterdays, fire incident displaced more than 2000 people without any
belongings to their name.

Residents of mathare area 10 restructure homes.
Two children aged 7 and 3 years were among those that burnt beyond
recognition. Another 50 year old man also died known to be the Area
Village Chairman.

The fire later caused an electric malfunction in the area as it lasted
for over 6 hours. Residents say the fire had a high blaze of 15 feet.

Most of the residents  have lived there for over 10 years. They lack
food, clothing and shelter to survive until they get back on their
feet.  Women,children and men were scattered desperately in various
settings looking helpless. A few of the healthy residents teamed up to
restructure and design new houses .

Lilian Awino, mother of the two dead children grieved in pain. “ I
appeal to well wishers to help me bury my two children and restructure
my house.” she said.  The widow helplessly watched her children burn
to a black and solid image as residents tried to cool off the fire.

Fire brigade were unable to reach the scene due to poor planning of
buildings and rough terrain that block access in the slum.  The cause
of fire is not yet known but is suspected to be from a petroleum

In the morning youths frog marched a demonstration to area MP Margrate
Wanjiru's Church in Jiam center. However, they were scattered and
disrupted by police officers by use of live bullets and tear gas.

At least seven of the demonstrators have been arrested but residents
claim they have no contact of which station they were put in custody.

They had gone to the MP to demonstrate for their rights in accessing
CDF money for Disaster management.“We have checked in Kamkunji,
Ruaraka,Central police station and others too but they are not
identified .” said a senior resident by the name Achieng.

By,late in the afternoon MP Wanjiru responded to another senior
resident known as Garang, saying that she had no clue where the
arrested demonstrators were taken.

The residents have expressed disappointment at their leader and demand
her presence in the area to show support.


Conjestina Achieng and her Father to the right during her release from court
Boxer Champion Congestina Achieng was yesterday released from custody after her case was withdrawn from court.

She spent six days in custody at Langata womens prisons  since her
arrest on Monday and until her release granted by a Makadara court yesterday.

Fridah Achieng,36  the complaint and her long term friend told the court she was willing to forgive despite her being assaulted.

She has been hosting Congestina at her residence in LuckySummer estate
 within Nairobi. She now wants her to move out for her safety from
being assaulted, bearing in mind her mental condition.

But according to a Mathare Medical Superintendent Dr. Kitanzi, she was
not supposed to be arrested due to her mental disorder.

In reference to section 248 of the constitution, cases that involve
culprits with mental disorders pardons their arrest.They are supposed
to be put in check at Mathare Hospital or a mental center.

Her father, Clement Adalla expressed disgust at common public relation
Boxer Champion outside the Makadara courts
campaigns that used her daughters identity and left her alone at her
hour of need. "Where are those companies that were so willing to
support her when she was stable?" he asked.

Senior Resident magistrate Theresia Mwangi withdrew the case under
section 208  after the complainat wished not to proceed with the case.

She will be having a psychiatric appointment on 26th March but has no
supportive finances to her name.

On 23 rd February  last month,she attacked Fridah at about 6 pm when
she was shopping for vegetables in the neighborhood.

She claimed Congestina attacked her with no apparent reason saying "
leo laizma ni uwe mtu." Eye witnesses held Congestina back after she
slapped Fridah.

In the evening when Fridah left for the police station,she met
Congestina at the gate with Keg and drunk. She said " sijakupiga
vizuri" and hit her neck and ears causing her actual body harm.

Followup feature :

Thursday 22 March 2012


A woman has been warned by a court not to engage in any unlawful offenses for the next six months or face imprisonment.

Evaline Nyaboke was granted a six months suspended sentences by a Makadara court after taking  plea charges.

She attacked two female neighbors and hurled insults at them on 16th March at Umoja estate with intent to provoke a breach of peace.

Yesterday, she pleaded guilty to two counts of offensive conduct. The court roared in laughter , as Chief Prosecutor Bahati read aloud imprint-able insults used by Nyaboke .

She offensively insulted and stated that Berita Mbula was a prostitute, " are garbage and smell breast milk".
 She later attacked Margeret Kutoi, by pouring hot water on her and described how her intimate life occurs, " hold your bosses legs when playing sex with my husband."

She was arrested on Wednesday and taken to Buru Buru police station with four witnesses on line.

Nyaboke told the court that she realized her husband was having affairs with  women  in the neighborhood ,while she was busy struggling to make ends meet for the family. She mitigated , that she was under alot of pressure and reacted out of anger.

Senior Resident Magistrate T.Mwangi granted her a suspended sentence of six months.She was told if a crime was committed before then she will remain in custody.

Wednesday 21 March 2012


A 22 year old was charged for breaking another mans hand after he suspected him to have love affairs with his sister.

Neresh Oduor was accused of attacking the man using the wooden side of a heavy metallic object.

The mechanic denied the charges before Principal Magistrate Theresia Murigi.

He confronted Felix Shelton,25,a hairdresser at his home in Kariobangi within Nairobi.

Oduor allegedly knocked the door while holding a metallic object in the morning of christmas eve last year.. He intended to get an explanation as to why Shelton was having an affair with his younger sister.

violence occurred when Shelton denied the suspicions and requested to postpone the conversation as he needed to report to work.

Shelton was injured on the left hand and fractured his arm in the process. He was rushed to Kimabu District Hospital by his friend where he was nursed and issued with a P3 form.

Oduor was put in custody at Kariobangi police station on Monday 13th .He was charged with grevious harm contrary to section 234 of the penal code.

Yesterday he was granted a cash bail of ksh 30,000.

The case will be heard on 26th March this year.


A housewife was arraigned in court for pouring acid at a neighbors face after he blocked her parking space at a plot in Zimmerman.

Lucy Muthoni Njeru was charged before a Makadara court for grievous harm.She denied the charges before Principal Magistrate Theresia Murigi.

According to medical reports Paul Ogoya lost his sight on the right eye and sustained serious burns after being treated at the Agakhan Hospital.

Muthoni,32, was accused of pouring acid on his face at Zimmerman estate on 7th January contrary to section 234 of the penal code.

On the fateful day, Ogoya parked his car at about 6.30 p.m in the neighborhood plot, he later on had to move the vehicle to let Muthoni pass with her vehicle.In the same evening at about 10.30 pm he left the house and gave the car keys to his house help in-case it was necessary to move the car.
It was at that moment at the car park, that Muthoni walked over to him and splashed acid at his face.

He was rushed to hospital by neighbors after sending alarms but Muthoni took off and was nowhere to be seen. He reported the matter to police on the same night and she was arrested after she resurfaced on 14 th January and marched to Ruaraka station.

In a letter written to the Prosecutor from the OCS, it warned on the nature of the case citing that " Paul Ogoya was a victim of serious burns and lost eyesight in grievous harm.He was admitted between 7th to 13th January at Agakhan hospital before he was discharged to appear in court ."

She remains in custody after failing to secure a sh 50,000 cash bail by the time of going to press.

At least four witnesses have been to testify at a later date.


A private investigator was charged for impersonating a police officer  as he claimed to be investigating another crime on duty.

Anthony Mwaura,51, was further accused of trying to solicit his way out with sh 20,000 right after his arrest on Monday.

He appeared before P.M. Theresia Murigi and pleaded not guilty to the charges at the Makadara courts.

He allegedly approached the OCS of Makongeni police station and requested for officers to assist him investigate another crime.

He presented himself to be a police officer in the rank of a Superintendent from the CID headquarters, on 30th January.

Mwaura told the OCS he was in the process of investigating another crime of stealing by servant and identified the accused as 'Brian Katiku'. However, he required the indulgence of more police officers to proceed in the case.

The OCS demanded a clear identity before he could offer assistance but Mwaura was unable to justify himself and gave a force number 21345.

The OCS rang the CID headquarters and confirmed his identity was unknown,contrary to section 105 of the penal code.

He was arrested and charged for impersonating a police officer.

He was released on a total cash bail of ksh 35,000.


A 29 year old man was charged for swindling off an Army officer sh 700,000 in the pretense he would assist to purchase a car within Nairobi.

Willis Ochieng was accused of defrauding the army officer in pretense he would  triple the money overnight at a hotel in Huruma.

The army officer remained with only sh 1,000  in the account after taking a bank loan and being conned.

Yesterday, Ochieng pleaded not guilty to obtaining money by false pretense  jointly with others not before court.

He was charged  with intending to defraud Stella Wangechi, an Army officer  on 21 st January last month before a before a Makadara court.

The businessman allegedley collaborated with another man ,purpoted to be the ladies boyfriend for about three years.

Wangechi, 25, completed her driving course last November and was eager to purchase a car. She told her boyfriend Victor Tuju  on her interest and required his assistance.

Her loan went through on 10 th January  with  a total of sh 700,000 . But her check matured on 22 nd of the same month and withdrew liquid cash together with her boyfriend of  ksh 690,000 from Cooperative bank.

On the same day her boyfriend  introduced her  to Ochieng who suggested that instead of buying the car, they could triple the money first and instantly  booked a hotel in Huruma.

They wrapped the money in  bundles of black cello tape ,injected chemicals in the money and placed them in a big container . They told Wangechi to wait for three hours in order for the money to triple.

However, it turned out to be a sleep over at the hotel and her efforts to reach the two men were futile as they made excuses of being busy.

She returned to work out of Nairobi and realised she was conned with a balance of ksh 1,000 in her account. She traveled back to Nairobi on 29 th January and reported to police the incident.

According to prosecution documents, investigations proved that paper bundles were black papers that seemed to be unfinished or counterfeit money.

Police managed to arrest Ochieng on 4 th January and put him in custody.

Yesterday , P.M Theresia Murigi granted him a cash bail of ksh 200,000 and a bond of sh 300,000.

Tuesday 13 March 2012


A 20 year old was fined ksh 10,000 for handling drugs in the presence
of students at a Primary school within Nairobi.

Nicholas Ngara was warned by a Makadara court, he would face six
months imprisonment if he failed to pay the fine.

He pleaded guilty to being in the possession of bhang on 11th February
at Mathare Primary School.

He admitted to use the substance which was not in medical preparation
in the company of a group that scattered when police appeared.

On the said date they had gathered inside the school compound as a
hideout at around 11 am   to share the substances amongst themselves.

They engaged in the crime during break time before students,contrary
to section three as read with the section of Narcotic drugs and
psychotropic substance of 1994.

After a frantic chase, police managed to only arrest him but the other
four disappeared. They found several rolls of bhang with a street
value of ksh 20.

He was put in custody at Muthaiga police station and charged with the
offense until.

He has 10  days to comply with Reseident Magistrate Ngumi's orders.


Millions worth of property and perishable goods were yesterday
destroyed  during a  six hour demolition that took place at Mtindwa in
Umoja area.

The demolitions began yesterday in the wee hours of the night until
early in the morning  with the attempt to secure land for a 3
kilometer road construction.

Residents and business owners escorted a demonstration to Buru buru
police station, mourning over the injustice inflicted  and losses

Apart from destruction, items exposed during the demolitions were
stolen by street children and other business opportunists.

Demonstrators  burnt objects and any scrap materials at their sight as
a rebelious gesture to the losses inncured in the name of constructing
a road.

The road construction is supposed to begin today from an exclusive contructor.
The road will run a three kilometer stretch through from Jericho
,Rabai road,through outering road and Umoja.

So far one part of the construction is complete since the contructor
was on site six months ago to finalise on the project planning.

They paralysed business and caused trafick  along Buru buru shopping
centre and on the opposite side  of Umoja area, uttering depressing
statements over the loss of their only source of income.

 Buru Buru OCS arrived at the scene at about 8.00 am to calm down
noisy demonstrators . He told the demonstrators that the road was
going to benefit the same people in current distress.

Police Commisioner Mathew Iteere was aware of the construction six
months ago during the road commencing that saw the Area MP and
relevant protocols  tour the sight.

However, the demonstrators were still bitter with the whole incident
because they had filed a court injunction  stoping the demolitions .
 They expressed to be victims of injustice as the contructor did not
respond to any court orders.

The matter is pending hearing at the Makadara court and  is yet to
face a fresh twist  in the case this week.


A one and a half year old baby girl was rescued from a night club in Umoja estate after eight hours of negligence by the mother.

The mother in her 20's purpotedley left the baby girl in an open bar on Wednesday from 2.00 pm without leaving anyone under her care.

Police are looking for mother of the child,she is suspected to have left the child intentionally since she argued with management for a while before she left the child at the bar.

It wasn't until 8.00 pm that the children's officer was contacted by officer to arrive at Bees Centre bar in Umoja to pick the wailing baby.

Volunteer Childrens Officer Esther Njeri recceived the healthy baby girl and took her under her custody for the night.

Management did not suspect the incident untilit was too late, because the venue is often visited by families with children.

A bar reveler noticed the the child was left int he bar for soo long and realised there was a problem when the sun set.He called Police officers and notified them of the situation,who inturn called the Children's Officer.

According to Esther, child neglect has been common in the area due to increased poverty levels. The baby girl is now under the care of Imani Childrens centre.

However she complains that the situation is serious because the District Childrens Officer do not have the capacity nor sufficient resources to coordinate such matters. "Sometimes we end up removing money from our own pockets.Its the little we have that keeps the centres runnig." she said yesterday.

If found guilty of child neglect you could serve a sentence of up to six years imprisonment.


The Chief calms an angry mob before a police shoot out.
At least five people were shot yesterday by police officers at Korogocho slums after engaging in a battle to stop  residents from conducting mob justice.

One thief suspect died in the process after police rescued him from the angry mob that accused him of stealing a motorbike in the area.

A 15 year old boy was among the injured victims, he was shot on the leg during the incident when a mob was in demonstration to gain access to the suspect. Another man was shot on his lower part of the back and the rest on their stomachs.

Business went on a stand still from yesterday at 10.00am when angry residents had been fronting the officers to permit them to do mob justice Residents claimed that police officers would release the suspect from custody and let to freedom.

Police officers were alarmed by a concerned Samaritan and arrived at the site to rescue the suspect.He was taken to The chiefs camp at Korogocho where the battle of many residents stormed the premises .

The Chief escapes an angry mob at Korogocho slums.
A mob mishandled Korogocho Chief Nyabuto Omache and pulled him from a motorbike in the process.A team of Boda boda owners,camped outside the chiefs office  with their motor bikes in unison of complaints with the backup of residents.

They accused him of  protecting the suspect and wanted him to release him to them for justice. However,the middle aged suspect was at the juncture of being taken to hospital in Kasarani but died along the way.

 Police tried to scare away the violent mob but shot at the five residents in the process.They were rushed to Rehema hospital in Kasarani constituency.


A Kenyan student has died out of negligence from a Ugandan Hospital
after being admitted for less than one week .

Rose Chepkemoi,27,  died at a private hospital in Western Uganda after
the wrong blood capillaries were injected because of an an Asthma

The fourth year student was rushed by her Kenyan class mates to the
three different hospitals before she passed away last Thursday at
Msambya Hospital.

The Law student was admitted three days after one of the three
hospitals denied her medical attention due to medical cover.

Its alleged that the first private hospital she was rushed to known as
Sarame Medical ,based in Forte Portal inserted a drip into the wrong
blood capillary.

However, medical reports indicate she was further granted wrong
medications by the said hospital in Western Uganda after she was later
transfered to Virika Hospital in Wetern Uganda.

But the last hospital,Msambaya hospital denied her medical attention
due to payment for the first three days .It is after she languished in
pain along the hospital corridors ,they admitted her. The hospital
began its treatment but she passed away four days later.

Students from Uganda Pentecostal University have arrived in Nairobi
all the way for burial arrangements. They intend to lodge complaints
with their associations on behalf of the deceased family members .

Speaking to the press, Liz Karanja said  " She was in soo much pain as
we tried to get her to hospital. We realised the competence  of the
medical practitioners was wanting but it was an emergency and we had
no time."

Body of the deceased arrived over the weekened .She will be buried
this Saturday.